Can you really thrive with Thrive Themes?
Can you realy thrive with Thrive Themes?
At times there are certain things that come along and make you think 'WOW, that's good!'.
And this is also the same for business. Along comes a software or a tool that has just launched, or perhaps you just didn't know about yet.
Thrive themes for me, had that wow factor. It seemed at the time a decent component for my business.
In actual fact I thought it was awesome.
For those that don't know, Thrive Themes attempts to be the all round marketing tool, especially where landing pages are concerned. They also offer themes from their platfrom but most of the tools are plugins for your wordpress site.
Thrive was praised by many a bloggers and the like, both by WA and non WA members.
Some even went as far as to describe it as then next best thing since sliced bread.
I also thought Thrive were awesome - for a while.
You see, the problems and issues can be re-occuring with the thrive plugins.
First of all you have to constantly update them, which is more times the other plugins you have combined. This can be rather annoying.
The other (countless) issues I faced was troubleshooting the sites, many times i reported problems to our very own site support at WA.
At one point Thrive support was asking the WA support was responsible to sort the issues as it was not within their control.
WA site support said otherwise. After going back and forth many times finally Thrive said they will have to sort the issue as they could only fix it at their backend.....
....they said go back to host and get logs !!!!
Annoying as heck!
Thrive can also be confusing to the newbie because it has the plugins as mentioned, then they have these site licences, the memebrship for all the plugins, their so called thrive architect and also launched a new 'theme builder' and done away with the one of the themes I was using.
Meanwhile WA have gone and improvised the site structure especially where speed and security is concered so while the new revamp on our siterubix.
In our update by Kyle, or possibly Carson I think they themsleves mentioend the problems with the Thrive theme.
So now I have decided to cancel the Thrive membeship but you still can use any existing instaled theme on your site.
So can you really thrive with Thrive Themes?
Well depends what you use it for, but dont be suprised if you get into too many technical problems.
So here's my question to the WA members;
Were you a thrive member before or is anyine still using this and finding useful?
What is your opinion on a top landing page builder that can also be used as a theme for a worpress site?
Or do you guys use a standalone theme and work your way around landing page/sales page forms etc?
Let me wha tyou guys think, cheers
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Just as a side note, if you do decide to go with Thrive, do not pay the full price. You can go to Fiverr and have it installed for $5.
I think this maybe the basic theme you talking about
Thanks for the heads up nonetheless
I was aware of this as used to do fiverr gigs with instabuilder.
But as I say there can be problems with it, so letting WA members know and their thoughts.
Thanks for but again WA say there had been issues with it.
However your advice stands in good stead as I may consider an alternative via fiverr.
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I use GeneratePress with the Elementor plugin for landing pages. I really like the theme. It's fast and their support is excellent. I decided to go for the premium and really enjoy it.
That's great to hear.
I am sticking with thrive for now, but this is for my sites that it already installed.
Elementor is a great free plugin but I didnt get the hang of it at the time.
Have you seen Kyle's post where he mentioned Thrive Themes. May 2020 Google Core Update - Changes & Info
Yes I was kind of referring to that, thanks for finding the thread as wasnt sure.