Words that Matter

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Using Words that Matter

The English language is difficult, at the best of times.

How we use words, directly influences the outcomes ... here are a few fun examples of how sentence structure and carefully selected words can make a difference!

You May ...

When we tell a person "You may ..." there is no pressure and the individual has the option to do it or not ...

The following suggestions are similar but one is more likely to generate a positive response, and achieve the goal?

  • You must try our new product! or You may wish to try our new product!
  • Go to the website now and register. or You may wish to register online while I am here to help you.

Clearly the "You May" suggestion creates less pressure, is less demanding and therefore much more likely to achieve the goal.

Will You xxx or yyy ...

Humans like to feel they have a choice ... your brain is much more likely to accept a suggestion, when given a choice.

The key is to make sure the options both achieve your objective.

For example,

  • Will you find a way to overcome anxiety now, or will you just relax for a few minutes and breathe deeply?
  • Will you join the team today, or will you complete the registration while I am on line and can guide you through the process?

Both options result in the desired outcome.

I don't know how ...

Attaching the words "I don't know how..." to beginning of what you want to happen is a very powerful pattern.

For example,

  • I don't know how you will be a millionaire by next year, but if you jump on board today, I will help you get started!
  • I don't know how much you love tropical islands, but if you accept this offer today you will have the time of life!

The first part of each sentence suggests success and positive outcomes, but only if the action suggested in the last part of the sentence is acted upon.

If you like these .. let me know, I would be happy to do a series of these to help those who struggle with language patterns which generate results!

"Awaken Your Potential"


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"When we tell a person "You may ..." there is no pressure and the individual has the option to do it or not ..." -lest we be cavemen & therefore, me Jim. You May.
Mr. Allan Curtis:
Less than halfway through your prose, I've figured you for to be a seasoned salesman.
Your article states several facts us humans truly do not recognize yet live under.
Yes, words are powerful. They create pictures & visions within the mind of the one hearing / reading them.
And yep, the one asking the question is the one in charge. Think about that statement for a moment. . . . . . I ask you a question thus leading your mind into the realm of said question. And we humans can only think of one thing at a time.
And what's even more powerful is to guide the other into it's their idea.
And the choice questions -would you prefer this one or that one?- so vital. Yes, I do agree.
You know, Mr. Curtis? I believe you could go into some detail with backing stories & create a book about such techniques. Teaching us about the human language & how it so influences each & every one of us. And how dangerous it is to not understand this with examples of criminals & societies following men into world wars & so on.
Shoot, you could even sell it on-line &/or offer it or the first 2 chapters for free for when people sign-up into your register / e-mail capture. But best go massive here.
Just a thought.

Why thank you Jim ... I will give your suggestion about writing a book some thought. I have some ideas that are not mainstream thinking which might be very helpful ... I call it the "Language of Influence" ... not deceptive or subversive but gently guiding the subconscious to make the right choice!
Best wishes for huge success ..

I would also like such a book. :)


Excellent advice!
Thank you for sharing.
Last night, Jay was talking about the importance and knowledge of psychology behind a successful marketing, in his live training. I think your post is the best example of how and why to do it, Allan.
Choices matter and choice of words also matters.


Thank you, Shahlia, the days of posting a link and making money are long gone ... psychology is very important to your success!

Totally right. The human brain picks up on words subconsciously and can be influenced without their knowledge. I heard of a man who was sick in hospital and his family wanted him to see a hypnotist friend of the family, which he totally refused. The hypnotist friend visited him and had a chat, sprinkling the conversation with particularly positive language which suggested healing. The man started to get better right away.

Also heard that customer facing staff in hospitality jobs are encouraged NOT to say "no problem" when being thanked by a customer, but to say "you're welcome" or "my pleasure". The introduction of the word "problem" gives out negative vibes.

Great article Allan. Thanks.

Anne ... so very true!

Positive words are very important in both written and verbal communications ... another example of a word to avoid is "Try" ... it indicates failure! If someone says, "I will try and login to your offer" .. don't hold your breath!

More to come on the use of positive words in our conversational engagements.

Best wishes,

Great post Allan.

Hi Joe ... words have always intrigued me!

Me too.

Thanks for that blog I surely can use the info

Thanks for the feedback, Reggie ..
Best wishes

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