My progress steps-some forwards,some backwards!
My progress or lack of it at times!
Well I have been here at Wealthy affiliate for just over 12 months now and am pleased to have created my very own website and continue to follow the training here and ask lots of questions which get responded to very swiftly, I have to state.
Unfortunately, I have not committed as much of my time to it as I had hoped due to other life events such as caring for my disabled son who has significant learning difficulties although he attends a local day cent re most days (Mon-Fri.) Although I am retired from nursing since 2015, I continue to work as a carer for a local agency on 2 days per week part-time. This leaves with 3-4 days to work on my business here at Wealthy Affiliate. My major challenge at the moment is maintaining the motivation and energy to persevere with building my website and continuing with training while I do not see any substantial income/traffic coming in my direction at the moment. However, I am continuing to pursue this opportunity despite the challenges I am facing at present.
On the positive front, I am aware that it is possible to be very successful here providing I apply all my efforts and energy to complete the training and build a successful website and continue to learn and apply the skills of affiliate marketing as I continue on this awesome journey.
My Current Aims:
1. To complete the O.E.C.course by end of April 2019.
2. To complete the Affiliate Boot-camp by end of May 2019.
3. Continue with a new blog post for my website every 7 days.
4. Continue to interact with other members of Wealthy Affiliate and offer support/encouragement, as they seek to achieve their goals in creating an on-line business.presence.
I have to admit that my current confidence levels in achieving these aims is not very strong at present. Despite this, I know that it is essential to have specific aims/goals in place, to move forward and making any kind of progress here at W.A.
Would welcome any feedback/questions/comments that you may have, and will respond as soon as I am able. Thanks for reading this.
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Alan we all have stepped forward and backward but we all have to continue where we are at this point. But don't give up and continue as planned.
Take a little each day and you will have achieved your goals. Don't rush through Bootcamp because there is a lot of information there and you don't want to miss any of it so take notes on the videos.
That will help you out in the long run. Work at your own pace we will always be here for you we are not going anywhere.
You do what you can in a day and nothing more or nothing less. Please take this advice because I have been going through alot too and I am been taking it one day at a time.
I have realized that I can only do so much and work so much. It is not what we had intended but life gets in the way so we have to work around that. I hope this helps you out.
Keep me posted on how things are going for you.
Thanks for your recent response to my post. I will try to keep you posted. Wishing the very best in all you do too.
You are so very welcome it was my pleasure Alan and thank you I appreciate that and you do all the best that you can do.
Alan, I know you must feel a bit off looking at this last month, but I am sure there are others sitting in the boat with!! No, I have not made any money since starting last July, but I am having the time of my life working in the community. It has been a God✝Send, lifted my spirits, and I have even been able to help others out. I also have 2 grandchildren at home, both with some significant mental health issues, but I'm still here!! 😊And that is exactly what I hear you saying Alan, you're not giving up, you're still going to work your goals, but you're not quitting! Thank the stubborn nurse in you Alan. We don't quit! And when life bumps us around a little bit, you look it in the eye and say, "Is that all you got?? I'll see you around tomorrow!!
Don't quit!
Give the training all you've got!
Take care of your son with every cell of your being!
And tomorrow...I'll see you tomorrow Alan!! 💕
Yay Us Indeed!! 🌟
Thank you so much for sharing those supportive words. I will reflect seriously on what you said here. You are right about the great satisfaction in working with others here in W.A. I have to keep telling myself that there is no turning back despite continuing to manage the subscription fees responsibly. My family keep telling me its very expensive but I know this is not true considering the amount and depth of valuable teaching here. God willing, I will find a way through and eventually achieve success. Its really is all about mindset Once again your comments have been a great encouragement to me. I wish you every success in all your endeavours too. God Bless you richly in every sense of your life.
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Hi Alan,
I’m right there with you, have been here about 9 months and am just now about to finish the OEC training.
While it’s good to have goals I’d suggest you give yourself a less aggressive timeline so you’re not setting yourself up for disappointment.
When you are dividing your time among many commitments you have to make allowances. WA isn’t going anywhere, it will be here whether it takes you 6 weeks or 6 months to go through the Bootcamp training.
I wish you all the best!
Thanks and best wishes to you.