Further Tips To Help With Owning Time


I was going to write a blog about how to save time and not kill it but I ended up making it a post on one of my sites instead. However, I did want to impart the tips in a condensed form that I came up with to see if it could help others here as well.

Tip 1. Procrastinating Vs. Dedicating Yourself to Getting A Product

If you push yourself towards the idea of getting things done, then you will have no need to procrastinate. It's as simple as that.

Tip 2: Doing an Okay Job Vs. Doing a Professional One

It's too easy to just sit back and be a little lazy and not do the best one can do. However, if you constantly do things in a professional manner, 1) it looks better for your reputation, 2) it makes sure that you're producing the highest you can and 3) it makes you more irreplaceable.

Tip 3: Over-planning Vs. Action Planning

This is like getting caught up in making sure your i's are dotted and t's crossed vs. writing the overall essay you have to write and coming up with an outline. Having a plan of action specifically gives you guidance and prevents one from planning too much because every action plan leads to a desired outcome.

What are your thoughts on the above tips?

Let me know with a comment below.


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I agree Adrian. It's the old adage don't work hard, work smart. Spend the highest percentage of time on the things that will make your business work. Don't overwork things to try and gain perfection because often perfection is not what will make the difference.

Nice! I like what you've said above and agree with it. Working smart is definitely key to getting more done!

I think it's important to keep in mind at least what the perfect scene would be so that even if you don't hit it, you'll know what you will need to improve for next time.

Or even go back and fix once up and running

Exactly! That's true too!

I think I am a great procrastinator, lol. ;))

So am I Jewel:)

I hear ya Jewel!

Ha..ha.. Adrian, I am blushing, a great procrastinator is definitely nothing to to boast about, lol. :))

LOL well in my defense, you seemed so proud of it! The least I could do is acknowledge it ;) But I understand what you mean - it's a tough habit to break for sure and not something that adds to one's reputation.


I'm the Princess of procrastination, over think, over plan, oh I'll do that tomorrow. I have so many ideas but never put them into action. It actually gets depressing after awhile. Great post Adrian:)

Haha I understand Jazmin! Sounds like these tips could be of some use for you. ;)

Very useful Adrian, thanks:)

Over analyzing, over planning. ...really they are hidden forms of procrastination. ...take it from a procrastinater....or is it procrastinator? Hmmmmmm....let me think about it for a long while....haha, see what I mean?

Haha I understand Rosie!! And it's procrastinator :)

That's so true - def hidden forms of procrastination or is it now that you have mentioned it above and are aware of it?

Heh for sure! It's good to know what you are doing when you are doing it Rosie ;)

I have been aware of this for a long time. .I have to watch my actions daily...

Me too Rosie....until joining WA ;-)

Nice Mark! Good to see you've been more aware of it since being in WA :)

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