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Daily To Do List

When I say daily to do list, I'm not talking about your daily plan of action. Your daily action plan is your set of vitaly important daily tasks that are most responsible for keeping your buiness up and running.

I'm talking about focusing down a lot further than that here. Sometimes when we only focus on the core necessities of keeping our business going we can ignore the seemingly small things that are really just as important to maintaining a successful business.

Your daily to do list would be all the little things we sometimes ignore that need to be done daily to keep your business running smoothly.

If each activity in your daily action plan makes up a block in your businesses foundation then your daily to do list would be the cement that binds the blocks together.

These day to day essential activities could include things such as: managing your own mood and motivation, encouraging a team member, being aware of your teams mood and motivating or inspiring them, calming tensions (If you work alone then just managing your own mood and motivation) and other such things.

It could also include things like sending thank you cards or msessages, congratulating customers and follower for achievements and acknowledging birthdays and anniversaries.

So remember that sometimes the smallest of actions can lead to the biggest results!

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I wake up each day, God Willing, grab my coffee, and start into WA, Then as I enter the world, I deal with the first priority item of the day and go from there! Occasionally, I have at least one activity on my mind to do besides my normal routine, Aaron!


Well it definitely seems to be working for you my friend. You have to do what works for you and that seems like a good plan to me. Appreciate your support as always my friend. Have a wonderful week ahead! :)

So far, so good, Aaron! People are all different, so what works for some does not for others! It keeps things interesting!


It does indeed Jeff! Thank you very much for all your support and input my friend. Have a great week and keep up the good work! :)

You're very welcome, Aaron! You have such good insights, my friend!


Thank you so much Jeff! That really means a lot to me coming from you, someone who has been there and done that. Glad to have met you here my friend! :)

I've done a few things, Aaron! I hope I still have a few more things to do! You're very welcome, and your energy inspires!


Thank you again my friend! I have no doubt you have a lot of things left to do my friend and I'm sure you will do them. You also inspire me Jeff! :)

Very much appreciated, Aaron! I try to simply, stay the course!


You are very welcome my Jeff! Staying the course is a simple yet special skill that a lot of people don't possess my friend. Keep staying the course my friend! :)

One just has to fix some part of it into a daily routine, Aaron! It takes time, but if one wants something bad enough, one does it!


Very true Jeff! I'm still working on getting my exact daily routine down and working on building better habits. :)

You'll get it sorted out, Aaron, and before you know it, it will be rinse and repeat daily!


I certainly hope so my friend. Organization has never been my strong suite. lol :)

I have faith in you, Aaron!


Thank you so much Jeff! That means a lot to me. :)

You're very welcome, Aaron!



Never made a plan in my life lol. Ou do what you can and that's enough.

Hey, if it works for you Geoffrey, then I am happy for you. lol You have to do what works best for you. Hope you have a great week my friend! :)

Hey Aaron you are so right daily action items are so key to keeping your aligned with your overall plan. It's part of my routine which certainly has helped me. And even if I might not get through all in one day I come back and generally speaking I can say that I am moving forward. All the best buddy.

Thank you very much Hugh! I agree with you of course my friend. Hope you have an awesome week ahead and your plan comes together! :)

They way you are going Aaron I am sure I will see you several times before end of week. I will therefore say see you tomorrow lol

lol. Good point my friend! See you then. :)

Thanks for sharing this blog post..

You are very welcome my friend! Appreciate the support. Hope you have an awesome week! :)

Excellent Post & Share Aaron. Keep up the good work.


Thank you very much Edward. Appreciate the support. Have a great week! :)

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