Let's Lift Each Other Up

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It Doesn't Always Have To Be A Competition

"We should be lifting each other up and cheering each other on, not trying to outshine each other. The sky would be awefully dark with just one star." ~ Stacie

That's one of the great things about Wealthy Affiliate. Everyone here seems to lift each other up and not worry so much about competing with each other.

There is room enough at the top of the mountain for us all. Let's all lift one another up over the hurdle and help each other to the top of the mountain.

The more we lift each other up the more our friends here will lift us up.

We will all get there faster together.

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Hi Aaron,

It's true when we lift each other only then we can be truly happy. I can correlate it with this famous quote from one of my favorite author; "You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want"- ZIG ZIGLAR.



Hi Raych, thank you very much for your input and support. I appreciate it. I love that quote, and its so true and a great philosophy to live by. :)

That's one thing I truly love about affiliate marketing - there's always room for one more site on virtually every niche. That's because the author has a new take on the topic.

I was on a game show once, and they kept all of us contestants together as we waited for our turn to tape our show. All (except for 1) formed a bond. It was us vs. the show - we all wanted to play well, we all wanted to win. We clapped and cheered for each other, mourned each other's losses. it was great.

You're right, we're doing the same there here, and it's wonderful.

That is one thing that I have always pointed out to people that are worried about competition within the online world. They worry that another website will be similar to theirs...or that someone may target the same keyword...or promote the same product.

That is a natural fear that is built into all of us, that competition is a bad thing and that if there is too much good competition, we won't be able to compete.

It only takes a little perspective to realize that there are 4.75 BILLION people online. There is room for 1,000's or 10,000's of marketers in any niche...and the rate at which people are moving their purchases online is only growing.

The same people that would willfully open a shoe store in their local town of 10,000 people (and 10 other shoe stores in town already), are the same people that would fear competition heading into the "shoe" niche within an online world of 4.75 BILLION people and 1,000 competing sites. The simple math indicates that the online world is WAY less competition.

I hope you are doing well Jeannine!

Thank you very much, Jeannine! Me too. There is plenty of room for all of us. We can have each others back and cheer each other on and never have any fear at all that somebody is going to be putting us out of business. That is a really cool story Jeannine! Thank you for sharing it. Glad you had a great time on the show. What game show were you on, if you don't mind me asking? I also think it wonderful here too, my friend. Appreciate all your support! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, my friend!

Thank you very much for your input on my post, Kyle! I really appreciate all you guys have done here at Wealthy Affiliate. I totally agree with everything you said. Have a wonderful weekend! :)

I was on Wheel of Fortune. Got to meet Pat and Vanna. I was the big prize winner and won a trip to Australia along with a bunch of other stuff. It was great fun, everyone was very nice, and FYI, that wheel is much heavier than you might think!

As usual, you nailed it with your wonderful explanation! Bottom line remains - there's always room for one more! We should put that on a pillow.

Doing well, thanks Kyle! Wishing the same for you!

That's one of the greatest things about this business. Always room on the internet for one more. Have a wonderful week Jeannine! :)

Nice post Aaron, good time of year to help each other!!

Thank you very much, Roger! It is indeed a great time of year for that, my friend. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! :)

Dude, I totally agree.(high 5!). haha!

This is soooo appropriate and relevant, especially in this business and the world in general.

We are all One! - it's the Universal law! There is One Universal mind. One Love!

However the media and the so call A.. dream has thwarted that.

“You can have everything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want out of life.” - Jim Rohn

Remember the saying --Together we Stand, divided we Fall or Fail.
Team work makes the Dream baby.........

Thank you for sharing this enlightened message, Love it.

I wish everyone, Infinite Abundance beyond your wildest dream.

Love and Light.


Thank you very much, Les! High five back at you, my friend! I totally agree with everything you said of course! Thank you so much for uplifting my spirit! And you are very welcome for the post. Really appreciate all your good energy and support. God bless, abundance and light to you too! :)

That is the great part about WA - there is a common idea that we all grow as we help each other.
Thanks for sharing.

That is for sure, Ray! There is a great spirit of cooperation here, that I love! You are very welcome. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. :)

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