The Focus
A simple thing that i promised myself, and i am not doing it well. I said, every day, i will take thirty minutes to sit down and write. I have nothing else to do, just write. I have three website concepts that i am working on. The first, is just to redo my old massage website. I've added articles, but i didn't edit them out. The pictures that i chose for the orginal website are somewhere in many many files. Many of them. I am still looking for them.
But, it's getting to me. My mother has dementia and it's early, but it's driving me nuts. She requires a LOT of attention and that was before dementia. Now, she's needy. Everyday, i drive her to the store, and she comes back and tells her friends she hasn;t gone to the store since she moved into her new place. Etc. I tell her to drive herself... but she won't. I think she realizes she has some dementia.
Being here, and not working, is driving me crazy. They say make a quiet place to work, and commit. I can't commit to a quiet place because, as i said, she requires a lot of attention. At other times, i require an extra push. You realize it's me, that's not writing because i usually wirte at night and fall asleep on the keyboards. LOL, so i'm just bothered. Having an empty schedule seems to make an unproductive schedule. So, I'm just venting. And, gonna take this blog and put it on my real website entitle Dementia Is a Mother... but, i'm also thinking, i should narrow my focus to dementia and caretaking in northern california, and not as open a territory as before... Sorry, this is more for me than for anyone reading it.
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Please take care of your mom. She needs you right now, we should honor our parents. I honored my parents until the day they died. God will honor you when you in return honor her.
I take care of her, it's just stressful. and, i will have to go to work, so i am not sure how that will work when its starts over. but, i got her back to the best of my ability... i just need to take care of myself in the process. and, i have to get this website taken care of
I can certainly empathize, though my Dad had a stroke, not dementia. He had always been so strong and we all depended on him--the change to being dependent was difficult for him.
Now, 2 years after he passed, I am so thankful I was able to care for him for those 5 years. It was not always easy, but the memories we built (from the entire life together, but also the 5 years) are priceless.
One of my websites was started because of what I had learned. I'm getting back to it now-- -- after his death, I needed a break from it but the time is here again.
Best wishes for you going forward with you Mom and your website.
thank you. sorry for your loss. Where do you research your articles? i wasn;'t able to pull them up, but hte headlines was nice.
I'm not sure why they didn't come up for you. Did it give you an error message?
Some of my information is from personal experience--much is, actually. But I also read other sites and gather information wherever I can find it.
it came up today. it might have been something on my end. Not sure what it was, but different computer and it seems to show up with no problem
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Hi thank you for the follow. Caring for your mother is the greatest thing you can do. I congratulate you. With that type of tenacity you will succeed. It's an honor to meet you. Your new friend Steve