Thursday's Thunderstorms & Travails

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

The rain never seemed to dissipate over night, raining off and on throughout.

I managed to get both a call from my mother, and right after that, I called Monica back since my mom had been on the phone first.

I chatted with mom for about 30 minutes as she regaled me about all of her incessant doctor's appointments, and then lamented that she could not watch the news feeds that I do because she doesn't have internet. I told her that it should be affordable for her to get it installed in short order.

After that, I called Monica back, and we talked for a little over an hour, so that was also quite nice too.

When I woke up reasonably refreshed, I made the coffee and then settled in at the computer for the news feeds and the morning foray into the Wealthy Affiliate Community despite the ongoing thunderstorms.

Fortunately the power did not go out some I got that done rather quickly. Kitty remained in the bedroom. We might see her later though.

I had a lot of things going on today and ended up taking a short nap instead.

These were more images of the day that I took this morning between all of the incessant rain!

Soon, I will leave to go finish up one of the jobs I did yesterday. There was just a minor thing that I needed to accomplish, among a few other things.

The clouds were still present, but so far, the rain had stopped for at least the moment. The rain had been coming down sporadically all day long.

I knew that this would be the now or never moment. I got going quickly. There were also a couple of shopping stops that I needed to perform, as well.

The incessant rain had seemed to have stopped for a while. I captured the above image right before I left to take care of things.

It wasn't long before I got to the job sight, and what should have been easier suddenly wasn't so much. I did finally get it completed though. Apparently, someone had relocked the knob, and that was what threw the proverbial wrench into my initial "best laid plans".

We have all had those things happen more times than we could possibly keep track of.

Anyway, I was soon headed back to the main drag to go make my other two stops, and then I was really looking forward to get back to the house. For some reason, I was feeling quite fatigued. Some of that was likely due to the weather.

Once that mission was accomplished and I carried my purchases into the house, I felt even more tired, but at least everything was accomplished.

I then went into the bedroom and noticed Kitty lying in a spot of sun on the bed. That was when the thought occurred to me that I could definitely use another welcome "power nap".

I had not expected that nap to last a hair over two hours though, but I am definitely not going to complain either. I woke up feeling a lot better.

Then, I got back on the computer to put the finishing touches on today's blog post. I guess it has just been one of those days that many of us have had before.

I eventually caught a glimpse of sunshine trying to peek through for a welcome change. I captured the above two images of that.

Soon this post will drop, and I will be on the computer for some time this evening too!



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Recent Comments


Glad to hear you got to talk to your mom and Monica. I bet you felt like a whole new person after that nap.
I feel we might be getting the rain you received because it had started last night around 6 p.m and got pretty heavy at times last night. It is gloomy this morning and rain coming and going. It makes me want to crawl back into bed lol.

Kevin and Son

Thanks, Kevin! I hope that your rain does not stay too log, my friend, but you know how the weather has been this year!

I try to remain in bed at those times too!

Happy Frisatsu! Hope Landon is doing well!


I believe it is suppose to rain all weekend which I hate because we are having a church yard sale tomorrow. The proceeds are suppose to go to the youth for camp.
Landon has been a terror last few weeks lol. I hope we can cough it up to the end of the school year excitement.

Kevin and Son

Let's hope the weather improves for you then soon.

All kids become terrors when the school year is getting close to ending!


Hi Jeff

We finally got our power back at about 11:30 AM, so the generator ran about 6 Β½ hours.

There’s still enough propane in the tanks to run the generator for about a week. Our propane dealer monitors that using a cellular app, so the refills are on autopilot.

Apparently, a β€œpower coupling” in a 60,000 volt transformer box down the street malfunctioned, according to the electric company.

It’s always something, lol.

Happy FriSatSu! πŸ₯³
Frank 🀘🎸

Very true, indeed, Frank!

I'm glad the issue has been resolved!

Happy Frisatsu!

Jeff 🀘🎸

Happy FriSatSu, Jeff! πŸ₯³πŸ»

Frank 🀘🎸

Happy Frisatsu, Frank!

At least there is no rain here right now!

Jeff 🀘🎸

It’s raining here, Jeff, but lightly. 🍹

Frank 🀘🎸

Sorry about that, Frank! WE are at 68 and sunny right now (Finally)

Enjoy a Great First day of Frisatsu!

Jeff 🀘🎸

Rain just means more indoor fun, Jeff. 😎

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

I tend to agree, Frank, but I am ready for some outside time now. Let other people have the rain!

Rock on! 🀘🎸

Haha, you're right, Jeff! πŸ‘

We planned to walk on the beach today, but we're meeting some friends for lunch at their country club instead.

I'm very flexible. Lol 😎

Frank 🀘🎸

Must be nice, Frank!

Enjoy it to the fullest, my friend!

Flexibility is the key!

Jeff 🀘🎸

The food is exceptional here, Jeff, especially their raw bar and dessert cart.

Stacy always gets their ravioli with a soft egg inside, cooked in truffle oil.
I love their "Frutti Di Mare," which is tagliatelle pasta served with all types of shellfish in it.

We're sitting at the bar having a drink, waiting to be seated. Stacy is giving me the evil eye, so I'd better put the phone away! Lol 😬

"Rainy day, dream away. Ah, let the sun take a holiday." (Jimi Hendrix)

Frank 🀘🎸

Sounds awesome, Frank! Today got too hot for me, but I did look at a couple of jobs. So there should be some work completed soon!

Jeff 🀘🎸

That’s great , Jeff. πŸ‘

Happy Friday! 😎
Frank 🀘🎸

Thanks, Frank! I am glad you and your wife had a nice outing!

Jeff 🀘🎸

I laughed reading your comments regarding your mom. Sounds familiar! Glad your day went well, Jeff. Enjoy your evening!

Susan 🐢😹🐢

Thanks, Susan. My mom is getting up in years, and I mentioned to her that we don't need to see doctors every other day. I told her she needed to embrace life. God will take us when HE is ready--not before.

I hope you had good weather and a Great day! Enjoy your evening too. It won't be long before I hit the bed!

Jeff 😴🐢😹🐢

I agree, Jeff...when it's time, it's time. Some people seem to take visiting the doc as a second career! Wild.

Today was beautiful and sunny and spring has now sprung. I'm glad your day went well too! It is soon time to visit Morpheus for me as well. Sleep tight!

Susan 🐢😹🐢

I hope that you slept very well, Susan!

Jeff 😴🐢😹🐢

I did and I hope you did as well! 😴🐢😹🐢

I'm glad to hear it, Susan! I guess we both won the prize!

Enjoy your Frisatsu!

Jeff 😴🐢😹🐢

You bet, Jeff! Here’s to Frisatsu! 🐢😹🐢😴

Cheers, Susan! 🐢😹🐢😴

Cheers, Jeff! 🐢😹🐢

Sometimes those power naps are just the thing.

Nice day here -- got a bit done on the memoir, so that was nice. Had "written" a piece in my head after going to bed last night, so wrote it down today. Sometimes my most creative thinking occurs after I retire for the night.

My new "roomie" Elaine is enforcing our "walk a day" program. I think it's been extremely helpful. I need that regular exercise.

Tacos for supper -- gotta go start them soon. Mocha is slowly adjusting to THAT DOG, though he still does not much like the invasion of his territory. Hopefully, they will soon get used to each other.

Thanks, Fran. I totally agree.

I am sure that your two roomies will become great friends sooner or later.

The tacos sound great too, All will end up working out the way it is supposed too.

a productive, if damp, day, Jeff. still good.


Yes it was, JD! Hope your Frisatsu's eve have been Great too!


they have been ok, Jeff. thanks.

you too


Sounds awesome, JD!

Happy Frisatsu!




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