What is an Affiliate Marketer Simplified?

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Hey folks I still see a lot of new members thinking they need a product in hand or a drop shipper account to make money online and that is the furthest thing from the truth.

Fact is those things have major cost, like licensing, sales tax reporting, and refunds as well as customer service issues and specialized SEO or Search Engine Optimization needs and usually require a large advertising budget or for you to develop an affiliate program to make any serious cash.

NOTICE: I said develop an affiliate program because the big sellers must have them to get huge. Ask eBay and Amazon.

What is an affiliate marketer?

Remember the old days they had door to door salesmen or clerks in each department of a store to help you decide on items to buy. Some stores still do have sales associates and some still work on commission.

A commission is a portion of the sale price either a fixed amount like $20 per sale or more often a percentage like 10-20% of the sale. Affiliates take on the advertising and marketing cost to generate customers and leads for the sales team. No selling required we do this by informing people of value and features of the products in what is called a niche.

A niche is a shared interest like fishing or golf.

Hope this helps you understan affiliates and what our role is which is to answer questions and send traffic. We do this through either advertising which needs skills and is costly with a massive chance for lost revenue or by content creation like WA teaches which grabs free traffic from search engines and social media networks and prequalifies the leads by sending them to the sales site ready to buy.

Andy Anderson

Income Legion

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