Taking action
Here goes.
I've never worked for anyone except my family in a business that I started with my father over thirty hers ago. Wow, the "family business", as they call it. More on that later.
One thing I've learned over the years no matter how good the opportunity nothing happens without action, so that's what I'm doing "taking action". Everything I've read so far tells me this company wants to do the right thing for its members, and from the research I've done they seem to be on the right path. Now, that opinion's coming from a novice in the online marketing world, so I guess the proof will be in the pudding.
Although I'm a novice when it comes to this online marketing thing, I'm not a novice in traditional business, and I see the internet like every other business person, the next frontier. It remains to be seen at least for me if I choose the right company to help me learn how to capitalize the opportunity. It's appears to be all about the support you get to gain the knowledge you need to succeed.
Well that's my take on this multi million dollar opportunity. Looking forward to finding out if what I think is true is actually true.
Good luck to everyone and I'll see you the top.
Jim Saunders
Recent Comments
Jim, I have only been here a week and can definitely tell you, these guys are great. Not just Kyle and Carson but all the others who are working with WA as well. They are there to help as am I. I love the fellowship of the site and how everyone is for one another. I have never had the mentor-ship like this before.