When your site gets indexed by Google


This just motivated me to keep going :D

So excited!

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Getting indexed is a great early landmark, congratulations.

Like all of life's great adventures you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep moving forward with enthusiasm and energy and you will surely find the success you are looking for. You are approaching this with a fantastic attitude so I am sure you will make it.

Best wishes for the journey ahead.

Thank you Habitus... Lately I've just been so occupied with school that I haven't been focusing much on building my website and it's been worrying me.

But the support and the belief you guys here at WA offer especially to us newbies is out of this world.

You guys are the best.

Thanks again!

Yeah! for you! It felt exciting when I got ranked. Keep working hard. I just try to do every lesson so I do things the right way. The blogging's the hardest for me.
Keep up the good work!!

Thank you Landjent...

I'm also having a bit of a hard time with blogging but I'll get used to it eventually.

Hello Yenzeka,

Congratulations on getting found by Google! All you need to do is write quality content and allow Google to find those too(:


Lol thanks Eric

And to tell you the truth, I was trying to use jaaxy to see which keywords I've been ranked for but found none... I still have hope though, my spirit ain't crushed, they'll pick it up eventually :)

Well at least you have the foundation (your websites). All you need to do is plant the seeds (content) and give it time to grow. One day, you will be able to harvest from your work (money) (:


I love how figurative you are and how you try to keep me in par with what you're saying.

I believe in that too

Nice username btw

Haha thanks(: it was a nickname because I was a fast and furious driver.

I should rename myself TurtleEric since I no longer drive fast xD

Lmao yeah, you should.

You should check out Will Ferrell's movie Tallageda Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, it is hilarious

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