12 Days as a WA Premium Member

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I have to say, at first the ride was pretty smooth, especially since I had already started on doing my research before going premium.

The members were so welcoming (still are) and I was motivated to keep pushing forward.

Initially, I thought I'd finish one course per week and sometimes even two but with school work and my newborn website, I haven't been able to do that.

I'm still motivated though some days are better than others but most importantly, being a member of WA has taught me (still is teaching me) about discipline and trully believing in what I can bring to the world.

I have learnt a lot on how to stay positive and how to spread positivity in-order to get positive vibes back from people.

You guys trully are the best so thank you



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It sounds like you are on the right track, just keep moving forward at whatever pace you are able to. You will get there eventually. Best wishes

Thanks Habitus

It's great to see your incredible attitude and spirit. We all have a pace we can live with here. I was on fire for my first few months and now I have two huge projects that are taking up more of my time at my day job.

Keep up the great work. Even us newbies have figured out this doesn't happen overnight and we need to have a lot of determination with a little patience mixed in.


Thanks Rick... the keyword for me here is patience and whenever I feel like kicking myself in the butt for taking longer than I'd hope for to finish a course, I'll remember your words.

Thanks. I probably need to be reminded of them also.


Your experience has been quite normal, which is great.

There will be good days, there will be hard days. Somedays you'll think about quitting - but you won't. You'll stay strong, power your way through it, and reach your goals. It's okay if you don't follow your original schedule; this isn't a race or timed course. It's an education and however long it takes to master it is the perfect time.

It's good to hear that I'm not the only one. And yes it's not a race but there are goals that I've set for myself which I thought I'd achieve in about three months from now so, that's what bothers me sometimes.

I guess I just have to learn not to put too much pressure on myself and trust the direction of the wind

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