We will never forget!
Today you will read more times than any other all about how people can still remember where they where and what they where doing the very minute that it all started. I do and I can tell you that both times as I even started to just get close to the area it made the hair on my neck and arms stand straight up. The emotions that we all still feel is what being an American and even just a human-being is all about. When Michelle and I walked around this beautiful memorial it wasn't the site its self that caught my attention the most, no it was the people and how they were acting or maybe not acting. You know what I mean, it's just that no matter where you go or what type of event your at even something that demands reverence, there is always that one or two people that seamed to be disconnected and acting the fool, but trust me not here not anyone. We saw men, women, adults, children, foreigners, locals, school children on a field trip you name it and they were there and to a person everyone was somber and respectful. It was so odd to see how so many people were unscripted and yet showing so much class reverence for this place of great loss and remembrance. For me it was a time of reflection and great pride, pride in my country and also pride in my faith. Faith that America still stands for something and still believes in something, but most of all that we can still stand together as one to defend what our Grandfathers and Fathers fought so hard to give to us. Freedom and I mean freedom for and from so many things. So like you all today I remember and honor all 2996 of the patriots that lost their lives that day, and the 4487 that have given their lives fighting the very people that caused this tragedy. I also want to honor and thank the family's of each of these heroes for the sacrifices they have endured to provide peace and safety to my family and myself. You are why we wont forget, we will never forget!
Recent Comments
Even though I do not live in the USA and I am not an american citizen, I will never forget either. It is incredible but I still remember in detail what I was doing when I received the news. History was divided in two.
The attack was on the world not just the US we all stand united against any person that can show that type of hate. Great words and thanks for remembering with me.