Success is a Choice
The difference between failure and success can be that little “extra.”
You have already demonstrated that you are doing that little extra by taking those important steps in starting your own Internet /Affiliate Marketing business. Success is a choice to do the right thing. Success is a choice to go in the right direction.
One of the reasons that causes people to move forward and strive for success is because they are acting with courage. Fear isn’t absent from successful peoples’ lives, but they have learned how to step forward in spite of it. Success is a choice to show courage in spite of our fears.
One of my favourite quotes is, “It is better to step forward into growth than to step back into safety.” Remember this expression any time that you are feeling fear. Success is a choice to step forward into growth than step back into safety.
When we start to feel discomfort, we are growing. We are challenging ourselves. If you ask any professional athlete they will tell you that there is no gain without pain. They keep pushing themselves beyond their comfort zone a little bit more every day. Success is a choice to grow.
Discomfort and fear will be part of the journey
The first time you start your own online business you will feel some discomfort and you will most certainly feel fear, but you must be committed, and in spite of the fear you must forge on. Success is a choice to forge on. The feeling of fear comes from a place of not knowing, not knowing what is ahead. But even though we may not know what is ahead of us, as we step forward the view becomes greater and clearer, and answers are revealed. Success is the choice to go forward.
Let us think of the mountain climber. To climb a high, steep mountain may appear to be a really big task, and the mountain climber will likely feel fear, especially if it is the first time they are climbing that mountain, but, as they moves forward and upward, the unknown becomes known and the view of what is next, what is in front of them, becomes clearer because they chooses to move forward until they reaches their destination. Success is a choice to keep moving forward until you reach your destination.
We choose to go forward into growth and it does not necessarily mean huge leaps, it could be small steps, baby steps, taken each and every day. Moving forward slowly, easily, effectively, until one day, there you are, on top. Success is a choice to keep moving forward one step at a time.
This is the intended result. People don’t aimlessly and casually go out for a walk and end up on top of a mountain. Getting to the top is part of a plan. Being on top, staying on top, choosing to go to the top, starts with the decision to be successful. Success is a choice to go to the top.
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Ultimately only you know for yourself if you are succeeding or not
success is not in what you accumulate -- because that can be lost or destroyed
success is in who you become