It's Only Halftime But I Have a Big Lead!

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Have been doing some tweaking on both my MS Ads accounts over the last week and so far I am liking what I have been seeing. These stats are from today at 12pm. So its halftime right? 12 hours in 12 to go and as of right now I am Winning Big.

This first image is from Account #1.

As you can see I have 4 conversions"4 new referrals" and have only spent $5.88. Them numbers are fantastic but it is only halftime. The suspense is killing me, just kidding.

The conversion rate 13.33 % is also the best I have seen in awhile on this account so I am happy about that too.

Not much action on the Product Reviews campaign but that is normal because I had a lot of older review post that I don't run ads to anymore.

Avg cost per click "CPC" is 20 cents. I just love it, haha

Okay lets look at account 2 real quick"am hungry".

Account 2

Okay real quick 3 conversions at a cost of $3.54 which makes the cost per referral on this account so far today $1.18.

I think anyone that knows PPC will tell you that them numbers would be hard to. beat.


Remember its only halftime.

Any ways I need to go get us some lunch before I find myself sleeping on the porch tonight.

Maybe I will post the final results of the game tonight if I get time. I hope you enjoyed this post I had fun with it.

If you want to learn this stuff you need to invest in the Premium Plus membership because that is where it is at.

Remember if you are Premium and upgrade to Premium Plus you can always downgrade back down to Premium if you need to.

Second half has started are you Rooting for me?

And we have our first update

Almost 2 pm and up to 10 referrals now, HELL YEA

We have another update

Almost 3 pm up to 14 now 

Final Score - Home Team 19 MS Ads $2.10

Thanks for Playing, Game Over!

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The daily budget is for the campaign right? Not each individual ad group? But I don't think that matters as long as you are not spending more than you want or getting notices that your budget is running out and your ads are not showing.

Are most of these clicks coming from one ad group are spread out over all?

You have some issues with your landing page, relevancy, or the keywords you are using because them numbers you are getting are not good at all.

You can pm me your keywords that are getting most of the cicks if you want and that may help me help you.

If most of these clicks are coming from just a few keywords I would lower them bids like right now because something is not right with them numbers you shared above.

Congrats on rocking it, Kirk.

I have yet to watch the MS Ads class and enter that. I have been focussing on Google Ads and not doing well at all. Since the process is similar to MS Ads I am wondering if I should open a MS Ads account.

I have spent $104 on Google Ads. At an average of 40 cents a click, I have had 260 clicks with three referrals and no conversions. Kyle has also been assisting me, yet I am managing to screw things up.

More power to you for achieving the results you have. If you can give me any advice I'd sure appreciate it.



I would slow down if I was you. This economy is tough right now so no reason to rush things.

Creating an MS Ads account would be a smart move so you can start learning how to use the interface and get tracking set up.

My suggestion would be to create a lot of different ad groups and use only exact-match keywords and bids starting from 16 cents up to 31 cents.

Take what clicks you can get and move on. If you are not getting clicks at .31 then that ad group probably is not going to be profitable anyway.

So, lots of ad groups and bid really low is my suggestion.

If you are getting a lot of clicks at .31 then try lowering the bid to .26 and see if you still are getting clicks if you are then lower it more.

Am hoping Kyle's next class will get into specifics on what are some different types of keywords that can covert for you guys.

If you guys are winning WA is winning, right?

Hi Kirk,

Thanks for the tips. One more question.

When you have a lot of ad groups in play with a PPC set of fewer than 30 cents, should one's daily budget be at least $50?

I currently have three ad groups with a PPC limit of 50 cents and a daily budget limit of $20.



Hi Kirk,

It's been interesting reading these posts on the PPC. I always have had them in my future plans, way down the road (and likely after experimenting with solo ads).

Compared to some other posts I read on it, it looks like you get some great results. Which makes me wonder at the differences in wording/landing pages which is an intangible missing in these types of posts.

Congrats on your results, and thanks for sharing.



I wouldn't even try solo ads if I was you they never worked for me in the past. PPC is a much better option from all my experiences.

Initially your answer surprised me. But I wonder how much of it is the intent behind it.

Years ago in self publishing I used a variation of solo ads to push my books into the top spots on free promotions, and build my own list to where I eventually could push my books without using others list. But I was giving away free books so there was no hitting folks up for money, I was in a rare position to benefit from them going to stores like Apple. Kobo, Nook etc and grabbing free copies.

I'll likely still try them some, as unlike many I would be using them more for web traffic/email list building than trying to sell initially.

My site though is being designed to only have a handful of affiliate pages/posts for what I hope to be hundreds of pages that will act as a soft funnel to those pages.

Although reading your comments here on how low one can get clicks through ads is making me reassess the time frame for sinking money into them.



Hello Kirk,

Thank you for your really encouraging blog post! It's great that things are happening, it looks like you're working hard.

I'm a bit behind on Kyle's PPC course, so I am catching up at the moment. My Webmaster carries out some PPC for me, but I really want to learn how to do it myself. I do find the Google AdWords dashboard quite comprehensive! One of the reasons for this is because I don't use it enough, I need to use it more.

Wishing you continued success.


Thanks for the comment, Roy. With PPC you have to go through the learning process which really shouldn't take that long. What takes some time is getting enough stats to see what is working.

Right now I think creating tons of ad groups and bidding as low as you can go is the best way to start.

Hello Kirk,

It's always a pleasure to read a success story!

My Webmaster has shown me quite a few things regarding PPC; however, I feel I need to go through the process step by step.

That's good and encouraging to hear that the learning process doesn't take too long.

Creating lots of out groups and bidding low sounds good as this is what I have also been told.

I really appreciate learning from your experience.

Have a great day.


Hi Kirk,

Those are some awesome results! I am new to the PPC arena.

Obviously you know what you are doing. Have you thought about doing a course?

Just a thought, because it seems from the comments that I am not the only one who could benefit from your knowledge.

Either way, congratulations on a job well done.

Have a wonderful day!

Thanks for the kind words, Brandaley. We have two experts on PPC that you have access to with your PP membership. Are you following Kyle's new PPC series I can't remember if I have seen you there or not.

Hello Kirk,

You are very welcome.

Yes, I am involved and following Kyle’s PPC.

Have a wonderful day!

I would not be bidding 50 cents on any keyword but that is just my opinion. ,21 or .26 is where I would start. Also very very rarely use broad match. Lately, I have been using almost all exact match for my keywords.

I have been getting referral, but more costly than yours. I think I will adjust my campaign to exact match and lower my bidding. I hope this tweek will work! Thanks for the inspiration once again!

I will give that a try as well. Thank you for the suggestion.

Have a wonderful evening!

Bid low and try more ad groups. Each time you create a new ad group watch it closely and if is getting clicks right away most likely you can lower the bid even more.

To clarify I am talking about watching each keyword in an ad group not the ad group as a whole. Adjust each keyword bid separately once you see which ones are getting clicks

I will try that! Thanks

I managed to create my website. It was honestly as easy as described. I feel a sense of great achievement and accomplishment today. I honestly didn’t think it would be that easy. Thank you for the amazing lessons Carson and Kyle. I am looking forward to the next steps.

Congratulations Sylvia

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