Domain hunting. Paid off.
domain hunting?
I remembered as child my father and I went hunting a few times a year on my grandfather's land in a little town called Santa Anna. Its a small one light town in south central Texas. I can remember sitting patiently around the tank (pond) or as patient as a ten year old boy could when filled with the excitment, anticipating the moment that a bird comes flying across the tank and knowing exactly what would happen... But yet as time went along the excitment began to fade a little. Then after sitting on a bucket a few hours it became frustrating that no birds had flown in quickly and thus the term "hunting." But in the end after a days worth of "hunting" you finally get a bag full.
Looking for a great domain name is very similar in the sense that excitement you feel when you have that moment of clarity for a niche and you begin a domain search. In the beginning you maintain optimism that you are able to find that "fit" into the proper category your trying to capture. Just recently I spent an entire day hunting for the perfect domain. My perfect idea of a domain. You know something catchy, shorthanded, a .com something with a keyword in the domain. But as the day passes and nightfall arrives I found my self coming up short and the frustration began, kinda like sitting on that bucket. After a great night sleep i started hunting again.. Then it happened. Like it was supposed to. It was a thought that just popped into my head just like that bird flying across the tank. Boom!!
I now am the owner of
I am so glad I finally made a choice. A choice that I am happy with..
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excellent ;)