Don't become a knowledge Junkie

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Back in January this year I started looking more and more on the internet, especiall YouTube at ways to make income from the internet and give me a reason to get back to self employment and get out of the rat race. I stupidly went back into the rat race in 2013 after running my very successful business for 12 years, purely at the time to make more money, but eventually in July this year I decided that I needed to work for myself again and have my feedom back.

Around February time I came across a guy call Samuel Leeds who is a very young, very successful property expert and so I watched alot of his free content on YouTube and then signed up to his free, 2 day crash course to learn a lot about his strategies that he uses to make money from property. The crash course was fantastic and so I decided to invest in further training and through this year I have attended more training days and become part of his accademy.

The problem that I had though was I started to become a bit of a knowledge junkie and even though I have learned a hell of a lot about building a property portfolio through various strategies, I had still not taken the necessary action to put my knowledge to good use and start producing a stream of passive income from property.

It has now only just come to a head, 9 months after starting my property journey that I need to start taking some serious action.

Today I actually went and spoke to 3 letting agents in a local town where I live, made appointments to view 7 properties and from those hopefully might have sourced my first deal that I am selling onto an investor for a fee.

The moral of my story is that in just one day, I have made such a difference and realised that it is all well and good learning lots of knowledge about a certain subject, but unless you implement that knowledge and put it to good use, it is absolutely useless.

Please, when you are learning all of these skills on WA about affiliate marketing, you take the necessary action to make good use of your new attained knowledge.

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Great message. I was a bit worried at first i was afraid your were going to tell me I was addicted to knowledge and had to quit learning at once lol

I do know what you mean though I have gotten stuck in what i call "analysis paralysis" so many times. That is why I believe Kyle is a genius the way this program is set up and how you learn only what you need to know for each specific task the genius is in the simplicity!

I'm glad u have taken action on your building your real estate portfolio that also is an interest of mine. In fact, I own a few multi unit buildings that earn enough income that my days are freed up so I can work full-time building my online business(es).

I wish you much success and don't be so hard on yourself. Sometimes you'll know best when the time is right and as soon as you realized how much time had went by with no actions you got on the ball. So congratulations there my friend!!

Here's to a fabulous 2019!!!

Thanks A for reading this and your comment, very much appreciated.
Yes, here’s to 2019, it’s going to be a great year and a year of lots of ACTION

Firstly, great to read your first blog post Rob.

For those that don’t know (that is everybody), Rob and I were on the same course in February. He is a top bloke and I always knew he’d do it. He went on the course and joined up here, so actually, he DID take action.

What you’ve done now Rob is take the next step. You can only do that when you’re comfortable with it, and you clearly are now.

The first one is the hardest, whether that is a purchase, a sourced deal, a lease option or a rent to rent. You are an entrepreneur, so you aren’t afraid of failure.

Remember, we are unstoppable. :-)


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