Use Traffic Exchanges to Increase Your Free Site Traffic...

Are you still trying to increase the traffic to your website?

Are you looking for free traffic?

Then why not take advantage of what a traffic exchange can do for you?

For those of you not familiar with traffic exchanges, this is how Wikipedia describes it...

This is the type of site that offers a service to web site owners in exchange for traffic. It's like the autosurf idea, except with the traffic exchange there is usually a manual rotation.

In other words, the traffic exchange will send you traffic in exchange for you sending them traffic. There are various kinds of traffic exchanges but the concept remains the same with all of them.

You can do a search in your browser using the words "traffic exchange" to find a number of these services.

Here is a scenario where traffic exchange is at work...

Let’s say as a web surfer you visit another traffic exchange member’s website and you earn credit. You can then use the credit you earned to get other visitors (members) to your website.

The traffic that arrives on your site is completely free!

There are very few traffic exchange sites that demand members pay for the traffic they send unless you choose to buy a traffic upgrade for your account.

You should read what is offered by the traffic exchange website before you sign up.

Traffic exchanges are often overlooked as a way to increase free traffic to a website because they are not fully understood.

There is an opportunity here if you are looking for more ways to increase your traffic for FREE!

Learn what a traffic exchange is, so you understand exactly what it does, and then put it to work on building traffic for your site.

The next page is...


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bigrog44 Premium
Thanks for sharing, Steve.
RManfredi Premium
Hi Steve,

you are always powerful.

Berto917 Premium
Thanks Steve. I did not know about traffic exchanges but I will be checking them out now for sure!
Steve1958 Premium
You're welcome...
I have only just found about them as well!
ChrisScott Premium
I'm so glad you are working so hard to be doing all the hard work and so much footwork while I am off busy being silly with Cheryl.

I love this newest addition to my hall of Steve. Thank you for your time and kindness my friend.
Steve1958 Premium
I've been busy doing bootcamp lessons!

Have got 2 more posts to do...and there's over 1,000 emails sitting in my INBOX!

Then I have to clean the house, I am signing the contracts for sale at 1300 on Thursday, so I have got lots of dust to hide nad sweep under carpets and spiders to shoo away (they come inside when it's hot, which it has been today)!

The dishes have been 'hidden' in the not really...I washed 'em and put 'em away proper...

Then (drum roll please)...I am meeting Marion at 1600 at the local shopping center for a meet and greet! Very exciting...

I'll dial you up on Skype tomorrow after I have met with Marion and then we will have something to talk about :)

Happy Wednesday Tee Bee Chris...
ChrisScott Premium
Happy Wednesday to you, mate. I am so glad you got your house sold. Please let me know if I can help you move or paint or anything and I will be happy to.

Just swing by and pick me up and I will help you get sorted.
reanna1 Premium
Thanks again, Steve!
Steve1958 Premium
My pleasure Rebecca...