OK, you should now be on the Settings page. To get to the settings page, click on "Settings" form your main Admin menu on the left, and choose "All in One SEO"
Or if you are using the latest version of Wordpress you will see it at the top of your menu:
The first thing you are going to want to do is make sure the plugin is Enabled. Setting this will make sure that your pages are being optimized for SEO.
As you can see in the screen capture below, you will also want to create a Home Title, Description and Keywords for your website. These are associated with your home page for you website (ex. yourdomain.com).
If you are targeting particular keywords or locations with your site, you will want to make sure to include these within all three of these form fields. I have used an example for a website that I bought called SeattleCarInsuranceAgent.com targeting the search term "seattle car insurance agent".
You can leave Canonical URL's and Rewrite Titles checked as these will allow you to customize your pages to be as relevant as possible in the next fields.
The only changes you need to make in the next section is to change the "|" to the "-". This is a personal asthetic thing for me, but I think it looks better when your page titles are separated by a dash instead of a pipe.
Car Insurance Facts - Seattle Car Insurance Agent
Car Insurance Facts | Seattle Car Insurance Agent
This is up to you however. As you can see below I have changed all of the "|" to "-".
And then you can leave the rest "as is".
Then click the "Update Options", this will activate the changes.
That is all you need to do! I am going to show you how this impacts your live site.