Your Homepage Display
Here we can define how our main page or homepage will be displayed.
We have two options:
1. Default wordpress comes with your latest posts. We can order them according to the date of publication, the most recent at the beginning, it is usual.
2. If we check the other option we can choose from static page as homepage we can select one that meets certain characteristics.We have to locate all our posts under a page that for example we can call Blog, Posts, etc.
Blog pages show al most
It is related to the number of entries you want to appear on your site, by default it comes with 10. You should consider how you have configured your entries. If they have a lot of content, images, dates, categories, author, etc, you should place fewer entries why?
It is different if they show only the title and a small summary. Here the load time would be significantly reduced because the server would have to call many fewer items. Keep this in mind when defining the number of entries to display on your site.
Syndication feeds show the most recent
In a few words when someone subscribes to your blog by RSS, how many entries will be displayed in the list? Here you adjust this.
For each articule in a feed,show
This option is related to the previous one. Here you can leave it as default full text.
Search Engine Visibility
Here we come to one of the most important reading settings in WordPress and that more silly failures originates when you are new to WordPress.
If your site is new and is under construction, you should be patient until the site has enough content and a defined structure.
It is recommended that you check the box so that search engines do not index your site. Once you have it ready, you can tell the search engines that they can index it.
Israel Olatunji