Building New Citations

Now that you’ve claimed your business pages and have corrected any inaccurate listings you found, it’s high time you started building new citations.

To help build a brand-new citation, you can start with the list of data aggregators mentioned earlier. Besides this, you can search for industry-specific or location-specific directories, or search for your competitors to find out the citation sources that list their businesses.

But before you go on putting your Business’s NAP on every directory, have it in mind that some are going to be more valuable than others.

Besides that, while you want customers to be able to find you in any directory they used to search, you probably won't have the time to create citations for every directory out there.

Also remember to aim for quality, instead of quantity, with your citations. Make sure your business is listed on the important websites mentioned earlier, rather than going for a huge quantity of citations.

Therefore, stick to the most common sites that customers use to find you.

If your Yelp business page is not optimized with photos, accurate and up-to-date information, you will potentially lose out on customers.

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Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you for your help on Local Citation Building much appreciated

I have more tools in my tool box now. GREAT

don1rock Premium
Hey Israel,
Thanks for the helpful post. Appreciate it!
OSegun Premium
Thank you for this training. It is very helpful.

Wishing you all the best.

Israel17 Premium
Oh, thanks for reading this tutorial! Glad you found it helpful! Citation building is simply the fundamental for optimizing your website's visibility in Google Maps results. Add it to your local SEO practices and take your business to the next level in the online world. Thanks for your time!

Israel Olatunji
Claudiojuan Premium
Yes It is very important to have our citations well updated with real information. Thank you very much Israel!
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your comment, Claudio! Glad you read and found it useful! Most businesses online are suffering from citation building, neglecting the most viable means of optimizing their sites for visibility in local search results (Google Maps). Thanks for your valuable contributions!

Israel Olatunji
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Thank you again, Israel!

Israel17 Premium
Most welcome onboard, Jeff! Yes, citation building should be paid attention to as it's the basis for an ideal local marketing strategy to boost your site in local search results. Thanks for your interest in this tutorial! Wish you much success in your online endeavors!

Israel Olatunji