“Purpose” – this is a good place to begin.

To succeed in anything in life, there must be some training. No one is born with a college degree. No matter what role we play, there must be some training. My mother began to teach me at a very early age to wash dishes. She taught me the purpose of good hygiene.

Later, she taught me to make my bed, clean my room, how to dress properly. She taught me the basics of life. At some point, everyone is taught these basics. Training is vital to growth.

Schools and colleges take up where our parents left off, teaching us the rudiments of education – math, grammar, spelling, subjects, etc.

Then we move into our career training. Doctor? Lawyer? Plumber? Mechanic? Pilot? All require some sort of training if you want to be licensed, which in most states you must be.

Okay, you have chosen to look at internet marketing. Perhaps you have tried a few other sites, some may have promised you a free website, free training, free something. Beware as there are no “Free” lunches, or anything for that matter.

I have seen some websites training and although I am a novice at computers, I think I could have done better! No real training – just a few paragraphs, some of which were copied from some other website.

Here at Wealthy Affiliates, I’m talking real training. Training that if followed, will help you build a successful website AND a successful online business. Videos, online training, training done by successful people who have done it!

To be successful, you must have a purpose and to fulfill that purpose, you must be trained to do it. Want to learn to be a TV technician, doubt this is the site to do it. Auto mechanic? Probably not. Want to learn how to properly have an online business and be successful site? This is the place!

That’s one of the main purposes of Wealthy Affiliate.

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BorisRoman Premium Plus
Thank you so much for refining our paths here, Joe!

Wish you much success!

Joes946 Premium
Thanks Bob
edhozubin Premium
Joe946 - I agree 100%. There are 2 extremes, Make money and the other being helping people while making little or no money. Everybody else fall somewhere in between. Many people are driven by life's good fortunes and other by life's bad fortunes. I came upon Anthony Hu today that has done so much for cancer and other Health tragedies with his Blogg that I would put him up there with Mother Theresa. Life's peaks & valley's shape us all at one time or another. Keep up the good work Joe.
Joes946 Premium
loughcrew Premium
Great way of putting the whole concept of WA, now I can go on re-think my definition of wealthy.. thank you
Joes946 Premium
Ann41 Premium
thank-you for sharing the value thankyou
Kachunda Premium
Much appreciated. Sometimes it is difficult to find the right words to describe this great platform and what it is all about. Your training has just made our work as ambassadors of WA much easier.

Joes946 Premium