Safety, security and privacy. It is important to be able to feel that the platform you are working on offers you a solid feeling of security and safety. Some don’t realize just what that means.

There are social sites that I have visited that I felt very uncomfortable. Religion, politics and in some cases vulgarity.

I am not a prude however I don’t appreciate foul language. I have my own religious views and although I am open minded, don’t really care to hear arguments about who is right and who is wrong.

I have my own political views and am open minded to all political views, but really don’t want to argue about them.

My race is what it is, and I totally respect all races. I am grateful that I did not grow up in a family or surrounding that I did not feel the need to be prejudiced. I am not interested in hearing others political, religious or ethnic views.

So, security is important to me and I hope it is to you.

Wealthy Affiliate offers a venue that assures me I am free from these venues. We are welcome to encourage one another, to tell of our accomplishments, to offer training and blogs about how to do things, but there are rules that protect us.

You are safe at WA. You will not be judged by your race, religion or politics. Our only measuring stick is ability and WA goes to great lengths to bring out the best of our ability.

This is what Wealthy Affiliate is about.

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BorisRoman Premium Plus
Thank you so much for refining our paths here, Joe!

Wish you much success!

Joes946 Premium
Thanks Bob
edhozubin Premium
Joe946 - I agree 100%. There are 2 extremes, Make money and the other being helping people while making little or no money. Everybody else fall somewhere in between. Many people are driven by life's good fortunes and other by life's bad fortunes. I came upon Anthony Hu today that has done so much for cancer and other Health tragedies with his Blogg that I would put him up there with Mother Theresa. Life's peaks & valley's shape us all at one time or another. Keep up the good work Joe.
Joes946 Premium
loughcrew Premium
Great way of putting the whole concept of WA, now I can go on re-think my definition of wealthy.. thank you
Joes946 Premium
Ann41 Premium
thank-you for sharing the value thankyou
Kachunda Premium
Much appreciated. Sometimes it is difficult to find the right words to describe this great platform and what it is all about. Your training has just made our work as ambassadors of WA much easier.

Joes946 Premium