This element examines the work that is being used, and might be interpreted more narrowly or widely depending on the type of work. Unpublished works, such as email or manuscripts not yet published can weigh against a ruling of fair use. The courts believe that the originator of the work (copyright owner) gets to determine when it is 'first published.'

Courts also tend to protect works of art more broadly than nonfiction works. Hence, art, music, feature films, poetry and other creative endeavors are more likely to be protected from reuse under the 'fair use' doctrine.

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techhound Premium Plus
Hey Mel, great coverage on the topic. A note of caution: people should not misconstrue this as legal advice and it should only be used as a means to be aware of the issues. Readers here should use this information at their own risk and not come back to you and say, "Well, Mel said it was okay to do this...", etc.

Best Regards,
onmyownterms Premium
Good point, I'll amend the front page.
bbqfirepit Premium
Very important to consider and incorporate. Most don't even think twice about doing it, and clearly it is not the right way. Thank you for clearing this up.
dorina62 Premium
Good advice! Thanks for the training!The right to copy, copyright, it belongs to the author, copyright protects work and the efforts of the writer,artist, composer, etc.
onmyownterms Premium
Agreed. Thanks for commenting.
dorina62 Premium
You welcome!
Debs3 Premium
Thank you, Mel!
onmyownterms Premium
You're welcome.
theresroth Premium
Thank you, Mel, this is bookmarked!
onmyownterms Premium
You're welcome.