is an often overlooked article directory. A great feature of is that after about 10 articles you are pretty much free to have your articles instantly published. Even though it's links are no-follow, this article directory will get your article out on the web, sometimes in less than an hour. The record for me was 17 minutes after I hit the publish button.

But the feature that I like the best is the detailed analytics that are available. Not only will you get a graph of the daily hits your article receives, but you will get all of the keywords that lead people to your article, where they came from and what search engine they used. This makes a great place to get real time feedback about your keywords and this feedback is fast and free. It is often surprising to see how people got to your website and I have mined several great keywords just by checking my article's analytics.

Even as a newbie user your articles publish in 72 hours or less and, as I stated before, after about 10 articles they will publish instantly. Suddenly, getting your article on to page one of Google becomes possible, especially if there are fewer then 5000 articles on the web with that exact keyword. I have over 17 articles with ArticlesBase that appear on the first page of Google under their target keywords.

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hawk22 Premium
I signed up for FTS a few weeks ago but haven't done anything with it yet. I didn't quite understand the whole process. I think I have more of a grasp on it now. Thanks. 10* tutorial.
Skybound Premium
Good, concise advice, Christian. Thanks.

I've just had my first ArticlesBase articles accepted and will be signing up to FTS to try your suggestion.
muggy Premium
Good, concise advice, Christian. Thanks.

I've just had my first ArticlesBase articles accepted and will be signing up to FTS to try your suggestion.
martinact420 Premium
I concur 100%! Excellent resource for people new to article marketing.
Albatross Premium
I concur 100%! Excellent resource for people new to article marketing.