After a short time you should find that somebody has responded to your request for a comment and leave you one. Generally I find that you can sometimes get more than one as well but not always.
You can tell you have a comment because you will have an email telling you this and also there is a red circle with a number in next to SiteRubix on the left.
The first thing you need to do is gain access to your site comments as we discussed earlier in this tutorial. Once there your screen should resemble the one below.
As you can see you have a comment that is pending approval. At this stage you need to approve the comment.
I find this part of the process quite good because it allows you to approve the comment and reply to it all at once. I do suggest that you do this and set some time aside so you can as well.
The best part of this system is it is allowing you to start a conversation with someone on your blog posts and will certainly do your social signals some good as well.
I hope you found this tutorial useful and if you have any questions or any problems let me know and I will see how I can help.
Thanks for posting this. I have a question, however. I got through one of the "Offer Comments" successfully, but when I tried to offer another comment, the comment checker came back and said that my comment was not unique, that it had found that I had posted that comment somewhere else. What the heck is it looking for? I did not that same comment on another site because in most cases my comments tend to have a particular format. When the comment checker is checking, what exactly is it checking?