How Does This Work?

Its a very simple formula to remember. For every two comments you offer others you can request one for your own work.

To get started you need to click on Offer Comments (See Below)

Once you have clicked on offer comments the following screen will be displayed.

It is very important at this stage to remember the first thing you must do and that is to read the persons web post by clicking on the view page button which should open in a new window.

Once you have read the post you need to return to the above screen. Once here fill in your email address and a comment.

My advice here is making the comment meaningful and ensure that it is a good couple of paragraphs in length and relevant to the page you have read.

The reason for this is that it will probably be blocked if you do not follow my advice (kind of a safe guard).

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startouched Premium
Hi Andy,

Thanks for posting this. I have a question, however. I got through one of the "Offer Comments" successfully, but when I tried to offer another comment, the comment checker came back and said that my comment was not unique, that it had found that I had posted that comment somewhere else. What the heck is it looking for? I did not that same comment on another site because in most cases my comments tend to have a particular format. When the comment checker is checking, what exactly is it checking?
Timard Premium
Great job on the tutorial Andy, it is something we can all use in our future endeavors it will come in pretty handy, specially for the newbies. Thanks Andy.
DoubleTap Premium
Great job on this tute, Andy!
andygiffy Premium
Dinh Premium
great tutorial!
andygiffy Premium
Thankyou :)
Dan-L Premium
I use them all the time. Great training.
andygiffy Premium
Thanks Dan