When you visit an image post, make sure you are engaging with them and creating conversations that you can relate to. Obviously, since you are looking at posts in your city, you can talk about the image itself or the city for small talk before you get into your pitch.

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AussieJeff Premium
Can I target people in America if my location is Australia?
Thank's for the training GeekHibrid.
GeekHibrid Premium
Absolutely! You can just type in any city, state, Country, etc....you want
AussieJeff Premium
Thank's GeekHibrid.
Dreamer56 Premium
Thanks again man
Ultimateless Premium
I'm glad you said we don't have to do this all day....my eyes are getting sun tanned from the glare off of the screen! LOL! (Yeah I know, wear sunglasses...)
GeekHibrid Premium
Lol....I know right