Once you click on an image, just look at what's on the image and comment on it to get things started. Communicating with other users on Instagram will help you get on the right track to not only building sincere relationships but it also exposes your brand as well.

You don't have to do this all day. You can simply do this 4-5 times a day. Do this while you are at the DMV, waiting for your kids to get out of school, or in church....lol. The point is to set aside some time to be active on Instagram.

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AussieJeff Premium
Can I target people in America if my location is Australia?
Thank's for the training GeekHibrid.
GeekHibrid Premium
Absolutely! You can just type in any city, state, Country, etc....you want
AussieJeff Premium
Thank's GeekHibrid.
Dreamer56 Premium
Thanks again man
Ultimateless Premium
I'm glad you said we don't have to do this all day....my eyes are getting sun tanned from the glare off of the screen! LOL! (Yeah I know, wear sunglasses...)
GeekHibrid Premium
Lol....I know right