In the example below I have tried to illustrate what can be achieved by using a variation of color from the banner, the use of only two fonts, and using a combination of customization and a custom css plugin:

In the example you can see I have deleted the footer widgets in the original layout and placed them in a right sidebar.

I personally prefer this as it reduces the content area, thereby reducing line length. making your content easier to read and also lets your visitors see your posts and comments, etc, without having to scroll down to the footer area. It also reduces the footer area, making it look a lot neater.

To make these changes you need to customize your theme. Click on Customize>Widgets>Main Widget Area and delete any widgets showing. Now go back and click on Secondary Widget Area and add any widgets that you want. Click Save & Publish.

On the next page is the custom css you would need to change the theme as shown in the example, although I have done this purely as an exercise in what can be achieved with a little bit of patience and learning a bit of basic css, you can, if you wish, copy and paste the code and make any changes you may want to make to the attributes.

Custom css does not recognize php, and as far a I am aware there is no plugin that does, so If you want to make changes to the footer, such as inserting copyright and your domain name, or inserting Google fonts, you would need to create a child theme, or make the changes in the php, doing it this way you would have to reinsert the changes whenever you update your theme.

However, providing you're using a test site, making changes to the php is ok as you won't be making them to the parent php in your main site and, if you're happy with the changes you can copy and paste any changes into your child theme once created.

Below is a child theme template which may help you create a child theme for your theme.

Theme Name: (Theme Name) Child
Theme URI: http:/// Name)/
Description: Child theme for (Theme Name).
Author: Your Name
Author URI:
Template: (Theme Name)
Version: 1.0

/* Your modification goes here */

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minitrio Premium
Thanks for sharing.
Harrysastar2 Premium
Hi, you're very welcome, hope you find it useful.
DTL Premium
Thanks Harry, I really found this tutorial helpful. I like tinkering around with stuff like this.
Harrysastar2 Premium
Hi, thanks for the comment, much appreciated, glad you found it helpful.
T1967 Premium
Harrysastar2 Premium
You're welcome, Tania, hope you find it helpful.
Bigacre Premium
Appreciate the share.
Harrysastar2 Premium
Any time, Paul, hope you find it useful