Niches are specific so your blog or digital product/course needs be specific as well.

By now you’ve selected your broad topic and have identified common problems that people are experiencing within that topic. Within your broad topic choose a specific problem to focus on.

You now need to create an outline of how to take people from their problem (before your product) through the logical training steps to reach the solution (your product).

You can use what people are actually searching for online (Google searches, forums, reviews) to outline your product, just make sure you organize the information in the proper order. You must make sure people understand certain concepts before moving onto the next concept, or that they complete a certain action before moving onto the next action. Make sure that your training is compiled in a way that makes sense and most effectively provides the solution.

You need to be able to quickly communicate with your audience exactly what you can help them with and how you provide the solution they want and/or need. You see how you need to address a very specific problem or issue? Don’t be vague here.

Create a quick outline of what you will teach and the steps you will take people through in order to reach the solution.

Write down anything else related that your audience might find useful before, during, or after your product. If applicable, you might include a few guidelines or points to help people continue to succeed after they completed your training.

You are now good to go and get started building your online business using your chosen niche!

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Thank you very much to you and to everyone in this community who suggest such broad concepts that include all other values in this and every work that is not absolutely focused on profit. The paradox is an affiliate connect with your life passions and realize all with financial independence. And it all really begins with the selection already in this step.
After reading your article I have deleted my barebones website here at WA as I now realise it wouldnt have worked.
I will use techniques you suggest to try and improve on my original idea.
Many thanks
lukebender Premium
I'm glad this training helped you make some positive changes in your business. Let me know if you have any questions!
Thanks this was very helpful. I appreciate the ideas in how to break it down and bring forth your specific area. It was very useful.
lukebender Premium
I'm glad you found it helpful! Let me know if you have any further questions.