After choosing your way to start your business. You have to start your affiliate training.

  1. Choose 1 if you start your business by a specific niche(promoting others' product).
  2. Choose 2 if you start your business by promoting Wealthy Affiliate.

Is that clear enough?

Then you have to start your first course.

Click into the course and get into the first lesson. Watch all the content and videos that Kyle created.

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Knowing where to start the training course.
2. Start the first lesson.

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I think there're some problems with the link to the success story at the end of the paragraph. It said "the blog that you are looking for does not exist." when I clicked it. It's probably deleted?
mcknisu Premium
I am able to get to the URL, try typing in the URL again.
MelaniLukito Premium
Thank you very much for this precious lesson.
stevenhksar Premium
Have lost many times in the past, now I not young and don't want lost again, hope can success in the coming future for this site.
CocoStudio Premium
Sure! Stick with us. With steady and patience, you will succeed!
Mac01 Premium
Thanks you for creating this course, CyrilChan. For a while now I have felt that something like this would really benefit new members and compliment the training that Kyle has created. So well done to you. I have left a 'like' on this training.
CocoStudio Premium
Thanks Mac! I create this is because most members do not know where and how to start. Hope this course can benefit them!
Mac01 Premium
I'm sure it will!