Why You Should Choose Social Snap

You can choose Social Snap for the following reasons:

1. Fast loading social sharing plugin

Social share buttons easily clamp up your website content and cause the load time to be increased. In this age, the speed it takes for your site to load is important for your PageRank.

Social Snap uses an asynchronous method to load a site without slowing it down. It contains a feature that monitors button clicks and updates your social share counts. With these features, you can manage your share counts rather than contacting APIs and installing scripts.

2. Tracking share counts

Do you notice how you need to connect with the APIs of the network to get the specific number of share counts in almost every social sharing plugin? Well, Social Snap has provided a built-in tool that tracks the number of clicks directly without making you connect with the API of third party networks.

3. Far more advanced features

Social snap exposes you to a plethora of options to customize the look of your buttons, how they appear, and where they appear.

Social Snap has a lot of added features & add-ons to help grow your social media presence.

4. Advanced analytics

It is preferable to track your social media clicks directly with the help of UTM parameters in Google Analytics. It is good to monitor:

  • What social buttons generate the highest number of clicks for your website
  • What posts are performing the most in the aspect of social share counts
  • The number of views on each post

Social Snap shares similar features with Social Warfare. It can be used to showcase styled share buttons and recover lost share counts. It is also compatible with Pinterest image and GDPR.

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StephenThiam Premium
Thanks for the excellent plugin.
lesabre Premium
Hi Israel, I have been Sassy Social Share plugin. I shall try this new plugin.

Thank you,
Israel17 Premium
Honestly, Michael; the Social Snap and Sassy Social plugins are both great when it comes to being lightweight and having no impact on site speed. I think you are already on a nice social share plugin.

Israel Olatunji
Claudiojuan Premium
I was just looking for a wordpress plugin for my website. I'll try it and I'll tell you later. Thanks Israel!
Israel17 Premium
No problem at all, Claudio! You can test Social Snap and let me know how it goes with your website performance. Thanks for contributing!

Israel Olatunji
Jenny28 Premium
Hi Israel,
I was using the free version of Social Snap for a while. It was very fast and lightweight, I have since switched to a different plugin (sassy social) because I like the buttons better.

However, Social Snap is a great choice.
Israel17 Premium
Wow, thanks for sharing your experience with us, Jenny! Thanks for contributing immensely to my Social Snap tutorial! Much appreciated!

Israel Olatunji