Maybe this should have come first! You have a niche, but who is your audience? It cannot be everyone in your broad-based niche as that could cover organisations who already have large followings.

You want to target people who need your offer urgently and who are also willing to pay you. This could be low-ticket, mid or high-ticket offers.

You could address people who are in your niche who live in Arizona, and need fans to deal with the scorching heat. Or even better, air-cooling systems! This set of people need to be on mid to high ticket programs you offer.

Or it could be fitness equipment and your nutrition know-how and recipes to people who are willing to change their lifestyles.

3 Sets of Potential Prospects are:

Those in the fast lane: they have been wanting to do a course on your topic for ages, and are eager to begin and put the work in.

Those in the slow lane: they want to do a business, but do not know how to start an effective one that people will buy.

Those on the sidewalk: Happily going along their way and haven't got a clue they even need an ebook or course that will help them with their fitness (your topic, niche).

You see, the more you understand your prospects and have an avatar of who they are, the easier it is to phrase your content to suit them

So know you have identified your audience in detail, let's see how we can amplify our audience....

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seodoc26 Premium
Excellent Article and I love your call to action :)
Stella741 Premium
Thank you!