Middle term goals

Once you have gathered the main information about climbing mount Everest and evaluated if this is for you, it is time to take concrete steps of action

In our example it means setting up steps towards a specific date: The start of your expedition in the Himalayas, since the weather is key here. And in this case it is mainly a question of organisation and logistics. Gathering people, material and setting travel commodities in place.


When building a website from scratch it means learning. Exercice and rehersal . And following the course in the first place.

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trymetoday Premium
With you to use your goals to attain your dreams
Fleeky Premium Plus
My goal now, rest my eyes
And yours?

MBartley Premium
Thank you for the path to setting goals. I struggle with goals at times but find when I set short goals that are achievable I seem to work harder, so again thank you.

Fleeky Premium Plus
Welcome Murrya
So well said
Little steps leading to success!

Have a great week
Thank you for passing by
nurselizstar Premium
Thank you so much for this training. One of the hardest things for me to do...set goals. There are many variables that come into play, family, weather, pain levels, distraction (actual or perceived). I've discovered through this community that given all those variables, break tasks down into small doable goals rather than one overwhelming challenge. Two things happen...
1) You start to see your list decrease because you have cleverly labeled them tasks rather than a “job” or project, and 2) You get to celebrate more because you met many little goals rather than 5 or 6 major ones...and who doesn't like to party!! 🤗
Fleeky Premium Plus
Yes... so true.

That is wHere the training by Kyle, Carson and Jay come in so handy.It really sets out the beacon to follow. And the best thing is you can pick up wHere you left. Make it a daily habbit for at least ten days, even a quarter of an hour... and it is acquired...

Good luck
Thank you for sharing
Terand Premium
Yes, Fleeky! We need to break it down to short/mid/long term goal!
Thank you for advice and sharing! 👍👍👍😉
Fleeky Premium Plus
Most welcome.

You did such a great job!

Thank you for your kindness
ShaunnaLynne Premium Plus
Simple is best!
Your breakdown is perfect!! In simple steps, the climb itself, may not be easy, but attainable.
Fleeky Premium Plus
Hi Shauna!

To be honest , i prefer to climb a little mountain, than a big one.

Thank you