Author Andrea881
Rank 448

Why I stopped giving away product samples in my network marketing company. Watch this video about why I think product samples are a waste of time and a waste of money

If video doesn't work here...go to Youtube and look for this K4uBd7NQHs8 (sorry, cannot attach the link)

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MsMerry Premium
Hi Andrea. Your video says it is being optimized for playback?? I totally agree with the samples or any giveaways. I was doing MLM, awesome product BUT they encouraged us to give out our bottles as samples to be used for a specific time period and then returned or picked up. BUT, no one ever bought anything. They just used the sample. Sorry I couldn't see your video today.
Andrea881 Premium Plus
Hey Ms Merry...not sure why it says that but I am trying to upload it again. If that doesn't work, here is a version of the video on youtube. Just type the Youtube URL and after the forward slash after the dot com put in this number: "o275EraTToc". (sorry I cannot ad links - I can message you the link in private if you would prefer it that way)

I would love to get your thoughts on this
MsMerry Premium
Yes, hopefully, you can message me as you are not premium, right? I have an idea. my email is Send it there. I would like to see it and then I can also sign up for your channel on youtube.
Andrea881 Premium Plus
I am premium. I've been premium since 2015. I will send you the video shortly
MsMerry Premium
my error. I was meaning that for another comment. Got ahead of myself. Thank you, I will keep my eyes open for it.
Andrea881 Premium Plus
No worries!
Andrea881 Premium Plus
I just sent you the email with the video. Sorry it took so long
Tkgraham13 Premium
Andrea881, I have JUST signed up for premium but I also have a network marketing business. I'm really curious how I can combine them?
MsMerry Premium
Hi Tracy, I thought I would jump in here as well if you don't mind. Any network marketing individual should have their own website. This way you can brand yourself a little better and become the expert that others want to learn from. Treat your products or at least a few of them if you have a lot of in your niche and share how to's and reviews with yours in comparison to other products etc.
Hope this gives you an idea or two...:-)
Tkgraham13 Premium
That's kind of what I was thinking. So maybe do a "niche" a bit broader than my company but include promoting my company? And have affiliate links to related products?
MsMerry Premium
You don't want your niche to be too broad Tracy. Most companies have a 'website' that everyone uses. You want to be different than the average person and go one step further with Branding you with your own website to talk and share your product. Does this make sense? You want to stand out from the crowd so to speak.
Unless you want to do something different than your network marketing company I would keep it less rather than more. Is your product one or two items or is it several? Supplements or Skin Care or? The more creative you can be the better. You could also target one area that drew you to the product (s) Your affiliate links to your products and your site, yes. You might find someone who is interested in signing up with you as well. You can do so much this way. I took a small training on this when I was attempting an MLM. What I learned that was most important was to brand myself so I stood out. And make your domain name and your social media pages as close to the name as possible.
I hope I have not confused you. I would feel so bad if I did. If I didn't and you need more help just PM me and I will be happy to help.
Andrea881 Premium Plus
May I ask you why did you sign up for the premium account? Was it to learn blogging and generate revenue with a blog? What nwm company are you with?

A lot of it has to do with branding yourself...In NWM company you are competing with a ton of other people just like you in not only competing companies but your own company as well. You need to market yourself and not your company (don't use their name or product names). You are your business not what you are selling....this is also important if you later plan to change companies....Are you going to start everything all over when that happens? No! So you brand yourself as an expert in whatever field your company is with.

For example: if you are with health and will want to become somebody that educates people about living healthy, eating the right food, or taking care of their life....whatever it its....You will focus on the benefits of the product and how the product can help your target audience and not the product itself. Your brand is not only picking 3-4 colors or making a logo. It is about your missions statement (not more than 20 words) and a tagline (not more than 3-4 max). These are what people will use to remember you. It has to be good enough that you stand out. Then once you have that figure out you sit down and create goals for your business and build a blog based on all these things.

This is just a rough summary and they are pretty general as I don't know the company you are with. Let me know if any of this is familiar to you or if you have any questions or you would like me to go deeper into these things.
Tkgraham13 Premium
Do you think I didn't need to sign up for premium? It sounded like there was more training. If I didn't need to, maybe I should've held off? My company is Monat which is naturally based haircare. "My" personal branding is more weight loss and healthy living - the tie-in is that I have a nontoxic house, eat organic, use other nontoxic personal care products - I guess I could focus on the idea of "healthy products", replacing products in your house - some things can be homemade/cheap such as homemade deodorant and vinegar as a cleaner. But I've lost a lot of weight and eat organic so maybe that's too broad?