Author nathaniell
Rank 58
In this video you will learn how to post your RSS feed to your Google+ business page. This means that anything you post on your blog will automatically post to your Google+ page!

This is great if you have a business page for you website brand AND a profile, but don't have time to maintain both. It gives people the option to subscribe to your feed through Google+, and more people will see the content you post.

Hootsuite is free with a premium option, but for doing just Google+, you do not need to pay. In fact, I use the free version to post to my Facebook Fan Page as well!

Unfortunately, this doesn't work for a Google+ Profile (as far as I know). Remember, the +profile and +business page are 2 different things.

Remember: You can find your feel by right-clicking, choose "view page source", and searching for "feed". It should be in the form but there are many styles of feeds so you may see something slightly different.

Also, posts from your RSS usually take a bit of time to post show on your +Page, so wait an hour or so, then check to see if it's working properly.

As usual, let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks for watching!
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upsgirl Premium
Are you referring to Google+? This training is different.
Mayonaise Premium
thanks for replying, really appreciate the response
upsgirl Premium
You're welcome! I did see you got everything!
Mayonaise Premium
I tried to set this up but it's not connected - I tried to test it by doing a test post and nothing showed up on my page, not sure how to fix this?
Mayonaise Premium
lol sorry it works, Im so new to this. It posted after 20 minutes, it RSS feeds on the hour.
upsgirl Premium!
jespinola Premium
I use Hootsuite. I will try :)
nathaniell Premium
Great. Let me know how it goes.
jespinola Premium
kaliinozarks Premium
This was very interesting. I don't think I'm quite ready to link all this together just yet, but I've definitely bookmarked your training to my follow up calendar. Thanks for the advice.
nathaniell Premium
You are right. This is not something that's necessary, and you may not see the benefits of it right away. For me, it's useful so that I don't have to watch my business page every day, but can still provide value for those that want to follow me on Google+.

Thanks for watching, and though you might not use it right away, now you know it's possible, and can possible use similar tactics in other parts of your campaigns. RSS feeds have many applications!
solda50 Premium
Thanks Nathaniel. I've trying find info on RSS feeds and again you've learning easier.
nathaniell Premium
Glad I could help. I had no clue for the longest time how to find my rss feed, but if you read enough in Google, you can usually find the answer!