Know Your Why
Are you in the process of understanding your why? You should be learning why you want to do what it is that you want to do.
Sometimes, if we do something because we just like doing it, we won't be doing it for too long. Therefore, whatever it is you are going to be doing, you better love doing it.
Because when the fun end or runs out, it'll become tedious, tiresome, and a burden; similar to a low paying restaurant, or sales clerk stocking job.
You know the kind I'm talking about, the sort of occupation or situation that makes you take a step back and ask yourself
"Why am I working this hard for?"
Diligently Know and Understand Your Why
Diligently look for your reasons why to truly understand why you want to do what you are doing. It's not an easy task to follow.
Your Why Resources or Why Research Tools
What tool are you using to discover your why? Besides Start With Why, Find Your Why, another book by, Simon Sinek would be a great resource to get you started.
Both are written to be standalone books for helping any Entrepreneur discover and use your why. I highly recommend these books. You can listen to Start With Why, by Simon Sinek, free on Audible.