Product reviews are a huge part of affiliate marketing. If you review products reguarly, it's a good idea to have a template ready to go. Here's why.

Increased Speed and Efficiency

Writing thorough, thoughtful product reviews takes time and effort.

Using a template allows you to quickly cut and paste your review criteria straight into your working document, so you don't waste time trying to remember what headings you usually use, and then having to type them out. It also means less errors.

Consistency and Equity

Imagine you were reviewing bunny rugs for babies. Brand #1 you reviewed under the headings 'Fluffiness', 'Colour Range', and 'Stain Resistance'. A week later you reviewed Brand #2 under the headings 'Washability', 'Price, 'Colour Range', and 'Availability'.

How is a reader supposed to compare the two products when you haven't been consistent in your review criteria?

Using your own pro-forma template will help to keep your criteria consistent across all reviews. It also means that you will appear equitable when dealing with different products within a single niche.


When you review a product, it is important for your readers to trust you and believe what you tell them - otherwise you're unlikely to ever make a sale!

Presenting information in a professional way is very important. Using a template gives a uniform layout to your reviews, which readers will appreciate, and regulars will come to recognise.

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Jaialoha Premium
Thanks Euterpe! Helpful info, and I look forward to using a product review template.
davepr Premium
Thanks for the tip. I am going to take action right now! This blog was perfect timing for me.
Shawn Martin Premium
Bookmarked, thanks!
Shawn123 Premium
I am in the process of doing reviews. I really like this very helpful.
wtbee2013 Premium
I am so impressed, I know this will be very helpful. thanks for taking the time to put it together for us. ;O)