We all know that beautiful images get more attention. So, according to Pinterest, what must our pins look like?

Well, they must be three things: Helpful, beautiful and actionable

Apparently, it is recommended that we use faces in our images.

(735 px) x (1102 px) images look more professional than something with lower px.

We MUST use the Pinterest button when posting.

Most of us think that Pinterest is simply about posting images. This isn't true. It's important.

In order to optimize your pins, they need to have a little bit more.

-approx 300 character description

-a link and a price ( if applicable)

-Call to action

-Keyword research

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Lilianna Premium
I love pinterest as a teacher. I go there for a ton of things and ideas!
Mmorale28 Premium
Absolutely yes, am also on Pinterest great market. Thank you
Kelly49 Premium
Yes, I think they can. I'm on Pinterest, thank you for putting that information out there. Awesome job!!
SJB Premium
Thank you! :)
Francisco91 Premium
This is a nice one! Indeed nicely done!
SJB Premium
Thank you so much!
Francisco91 Premium
Welcome. You should receive more thanks.
Francisco91 Premium
Maybe just yes.