There are basically 4 types of pins on Pinterest:

1-Rich Pins: Allow us to add information with meta tags and they come in 5 categories:

Product, recipe, movie, place and article.

2-Buyable Pins: This is its newest feature. It allows us to buy a product directly through the Pinterest app.

3-Promoted Pins: We can promote our pins by purchasing ( payable ad)

4-Repins: 80% of pins are repins. This is how we collect followers and create great and interesting content.

The best time to pin on Pinterest is on Saturdays between 8 am and 11 pm. Don't post during work hours. People are working. Always add a call to action. If not, people won't interact.

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Lilianna Premium
I love pinterest as a teacher. I go there for a ton of things and ideas!
Mmorale28 Premium
Absolutely yes, am also on Pinterest great market. Thank you
Kelly49 Premium
Yes, I think they can. I'm on Pinterest, thank you for putting that information out there. Awesome job!!
SJB Premium
Thank you! :)
Francisco91 Premium
This is a nice one! Indeed nicely done!
SJB Premium
Thank you so much!
Francisco91 Premium
Welcome. You should receive more thanks.
Francisco91 Premium
Maybe just yes.