Step 6 - Provide a Means for Feedback

After following the previous steps for optimizing your 404 pages, there's still one more step to take. Provide a means for feedback from those who encountered 404 pages on your site.

It's a great way to let them know that you're listening to them even when you are not able to provide the pages they seek. A simple contact form placed in an obvious position is enough to get the feedback from your visitors.

And when they fill the form and submit, ensure to respond with a kind "thank you" message.


A 404 page is the result of typing a wrongly-spelled page URL, visiting a broken link, deleting, or moving the page. When visitors arrive at your site only to meet a 404 page, the result isn't always pleasant for them.

However, you could optimize the 404 page experience in such a way as to boost conversion. The guide offers you 6 simple steps to take in making the most of any 404 situations.

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Parameter Premium
Hi Israel, writing user focused content is the basics. Readable a d user friendly content is not negotiable
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your comment on my content optimization tutorial, Ayodeji! Much appreciated!

Israel Olatunji
Keny44 Premium
Wow...what a great topic. Kudos to you Israel. Just learnt i could utilize 404 pages as a conversion booster. That's awesome. Thanks for coming up with this.
Israel17 Premium
Of course, yes, you can increase conversion by exploring 404 error pages. Thanks again!

Israel Olatunji
YvonneBray Premium
I've come across this 404 often when researching on the web
Israel17 Premium
Hardly do we have a blogger that hasn't come across such error pages while searching for one resource or the other online.

Israel Olatunji
Francisco97 Premium
Very interesting post Israel, thanks for reminding me about it that it's really a big impact on visitors experience when the site they are clicking can't be found. So we have to make sure that our website is running perfectly with the quickest response as possible.
Israel17 Premium
Exactly true, Francisco! 404 pages can constitute bad user experience for your audience. Thanks for taking notes of this!

Israel Olatunji
RosanaHart Premium Plus
It's not often that I know pretty much everything you put in one of your trainings, but that did happen here, tra la.
Israel17 Premium
Oh, so amazing to know, Rosana! Thanks for your appreciable contribution!

Israel Olatunji