Off Page Optimization

While most sites begin with on page optimization, off page optimization is extremely crucial. As earlier mentioned, off page optimization involves building a quality backlink portfolio, getting your site listed on web and local directories, and many more. Let’s consider some of these strategies:

1. Social Media

Socializing is also regarded as part of off page optimization tactics and you’d want to keep your followers engaged by regularly posting updates.

Based on the category of your industry and business, you’d love to leverage different social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and others. For instance, Pinterest is most suited for hobbyists and artists, while Facebook is broadly leveraged by almost everyone.

Irrespective of the platform you’ve joined, make sure you regularly post and respond thoughtfully to your followers’ comments.

Social media is a prominent strategy to build a brand and keep the audience engaged. In other words, Social media provides a different way to increase the visibility of your site and business on the web.

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AlanJE Premium Plus
Fantastic training as usual Israel, thank you for sharing it, Alan.
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, Alan! Much grateful! White hat SEO is the basis of every strategy that works perfectly for building a blog on the solid and proven blogging fundamentals. Glad you found it fantastic and useful, my friend!

Israel Olatunji
don1rock Premium
Hey Israel,
Thank you for the most informative lessons.
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome onboard, Don! Glad you found this training helpful and informative! You need both the on page and off page optimization practices for getting optimal results. Search engines love this and you can safely build that blog without the risk of getting penalized both now and in the future. Thanks for leaving a thought!

Israel Olatunji
Claudiojuan Premium
Israel, Thanks you for sharing your SEO related experiences. I love everything that has to do with this. I need to improve external links, I'm in that.
ecomtom Premium
Good training. I need to look into those directories. Thanks, Tom
Israel17 Premium
Hey Tom, thanks for taking the time to read this particular training! Much grateful! The fundamentals of on page and off page optimization are blended in this tutorial for someone like you and me alone. You can rest assured that by implementing those practices, you will rock the online world. Thanks for dropping by!

Israel Olatunji
timstime20 Premium
Israel again as a newbie this information is invaluable ... I’ve put this on my to do list to research all the information through your links.. I’m so blessed to have the regular training then have fellow WA members enhancing that training
I really appreciate it .. I’m sure there are others who feel the sam way ... wanted you to know...
Israel17 Premium
Hey Tim, I am equally blessed at pouring out those valuable resources on a consistent basis! I feel the same way you feel because I am creating for myself and exclusively for my organic visitors and someone like you to get properly fed. Thanks for your great passion.

Here's yet another powerful resource on the basics of on page and off page optimization. You are blessed by virtue of this great resource, ny friend. Thanks for your consistency, diligence, loyalty and pure heart! You're unique among men. Prepare for antagonists and critics as you progress on this journey.

Israel Olatunji