Step 3: Deliver the file.

There are a few different ways to do this:

Option 1 - Set up your Autoresponder to deliver it.

I use AWeber for my Email Marketing.

In order to deliver via email:

1. Log into AWeber and choose the list you are trying to get subscribers for.

2. Click the Create Message button.

3. Type out the thank you message to your subscriber.

4. Click the Attachments button.

5. Add the attachment.

6. Save message as you would any other message.

7. Be sure to text your message before you Save & Exit.

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MrsNLynah Premium
Great tool
philaccardo Premium
And another:
What is this attachment your talking about to be added to the aweber message?
Where do you create it?
Thanks again
HowardJaros Premium Plus
Hi Phil! I think the attachment referred to is a pdf document. Not sure but the draw to sign up is a free offer of some kind. You can visit my site at yourfulltimervliving .com and see how I set my offer up using Madmimi, a free service. I have a pdf doc that signups can download once they give me their first name and email address.

I created my pdf document using Microsoft Publisher and then printed it as a pdf document. From there I uploaded it to my image gallery to be used on the page I created as part of the sign-up process.
philaccardo Premium
Just one more question: in option two you will not get their email or?
onmyownterms Premium
I hope you got your answer.
philaccardo Premium
Please explain Kris: the BLOG POST AND HE BLOG THANKYOU PAGE have to be excluded and private and NO INDEX,NO FOLLOW, NOODP and NOYDIR?
Im struggling to do this job.
BobBarr Premium
As I read this, the main idea is that you want to keep the giveaway from appearing in search engine results. By doing that, people will need to sign up to your mailing list to access the file. Otherwise, anyone searching the internet could stumble across the file and download it without signing up for your email list.
Dmorrow Premium
Very nice training. I think I understand how to do this now. Thanks Kris.

KrisM Premium
Oh good! I'm glad it was helpful. Let me know if it doesn't work or you get stuck. Happy to help.
