Here's what I did to help get a grasp on a subject I knew nothing about:
  1. Click on "Traning" in the left hand menu
  2. type "niche" into the search bar and hit 'enter'
  3. Voila! You have a list of trainings that are right here at WA
  4. Click on one that you think will be most helpful
Now for a brief illustration. I typed in niche and found four trainings and some blogs having to do with niche.

I thought, WOW! 590,000 niches? I had to check that out! If I couldn't find a niche in all those, then there must be something wrong with me.

The second training has a video. I could watch a video about it!

Here's where my wife helped me with some organization! Once you have the training say on 590,000 niches on your screen, you can bookmark that page. Here's where my sweet wife brought in her expertise.

You can organize your bookmarks into different categories, so I named a category 'niche' and then I proceeded to put the 4 trainings on niche in that bookmark category.

I now have a niche 101 and it has four separate classes to attend!

I began to feel less overwhelmed and more excited about learning the material.

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amfc Premium
Thats a great idea. I frequently get interrupted by family members, mostly my grandson who is turning three next week.
mckventure Premium
Glad I could be of help! I know what you mean about interruptions! I think there are many different shiny things that end up getting in the way,
deeprekha Premium
Thanks macventure, this was really helpful.
mckventure Premium
Thanks, glad you thought so! I figured I would try and give something back to a great community like WA!
uridium Premium
I like the idea of ordering bookmarks by niches, great idea and nice article!
mckventure Premium
Thanks! I'm glad it's helpful. I needed a way to organize the WA classes. There are so many trainings on so many subjects, I wanted to make my own personal library.
JLSF Premium
This was very helpful!! I've been slow starting because of everything going on around me, but I should soon be able to get all my fingers n toes in the sand and really get into it all....I'm so anxious for that. Going slow like this is not the right way to approach this if you can help it....getting into the flow and going full speed ahead is a much better way to prevent getting lost. But your way of setting up your 'classes' will definitely help me while I'm still going slow and when I speed up. Thank you :)
David_S Premium
This will definitely help Mac. The one thing people need to realize is this is a real training, like taking classes at a college extension etc. If you see this as training and take it seriously, since you are building a business you will do very well.
mckventure Premium
Thanks, David! I just thought I would try my hand at a training module. I have looked at this as being in college. It even has the social part in live chat!
David_S Premium
Sort of like "Ask the professor chat" ;-)