Read this sample and then go back and decide which meaningful exposures I used!

What I read: Go and read Travis's stuff on bum marketing.

Bum? What in the world is that? Sheesh, it must be some name they put to some strategy, may-be because its so easy a cave man can do it? A bum is a hobo to me. OK, I'll ask on the forum, "What in the world is bum marketing?" and I get a response, "Oh, it is just a way you can learn the business using free resources, it is a good way to get started if you have no money." OK , that makes sense, bums are freeloaders, I used to love Red Skeleton's Freddy Freeloader skits, so bum marketing is using resources and procedures that do not cost anything. Can you just picture it now? Freddy the Freeloader in front of computer screen singing, "I want to be free!" It can be titled, The Bum Learns Bum Marketing!" Ha! So I guess I better learn some bum marketing techniques so I can understand this article marketing thing better. I wonder should I write this word down, no Freddie the Freeloader is enough to remind me!

This is an example of what I mean by adults can streamline-- I went through the process and by my count about nine meaningful exposures. That was enough for me. The second time I see it, I will immediately say, "Bum marketing, oh yes, the bum learns bum marketing-- free techniques, got it." It might take awhile before I would use the term myself, I'd have to see it a lot more.

So you can take it from here-- Trust me the funny pictures or a silly association will do it!

Speaking of silly----Twitter: is a bunch of teenagers all in a twitter about something and talking, talking endlessly about it, they sound like a bunch of birds tweeting--- Why would anyone want to name something after THAT picture...? Ha Ha!

conclusion next

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tthuente Premium
wow, thats why i cant remember most of the terms used in the forums. very helpful, thanks.
thesue Premium
Cool! Have fun with it!
imosher Premium
Cool! Have fun with it!
This article got me to thinking of what would happen if i typed in "internet marketing dictionary" in Googles search engine? I did...and it came up with a free resource..."". This has definitions for several (if not all) internet marketing words and phrases one could imagine!
Thanks for the brainstorm!
Panama Phil Premium
This article got me to thinking of what would happen if i typed in "internet marketing dictionary" in Googles search engine? I did...and it came up with a free resource..."". This has definitions for several (if not all) internet marketing words and phrases one could imagine!
Thanks for the brainstorm!