Raise Your Right Hand and Make This Promise...

When I read a tutorial or a forum post and words are used I do not know....

I will not understand what they are trying to tell me unless I learn the words!

I promise I will do this with a sense of humor and create some quick, simple meaningful exposures to create a memory hook to help me remember what the word means the next time I see it.

I will even eventully try to use it myself in a forum post someday!

Here are some words you might run across: anchor, ping, dig, Squiddoo, affiliate, social networking, squeeze, campaign and delicious!

and new words like interface, and some other big words Kyle and Carson like to use!


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tthuente Premium
wow, thats why i cant remember most of the terms used in the forums. very helpful, thanks.
thesue Premium
Cool! Have fun with it!
imosher Premium
Cool! Have fun with it!
This article got me to thinking of what would happen if i typed in "internet marketing dictionary" in Googles search engine? I did...and it came up with a free resource..."marketingterms.com/dictionary/". This has definitions for several (if not all) internet marketing words and phrases one could imagine!
Thanks for the brainstorm!
Panama Phil Premium
This article got me to thinking of what would happen if i typed in "internet marketing dictionary" in Googles search engine? I did...and it came up with a free resource..."marketingterms.com/dictionary/". This has definitions for several (if not all) internet marketing words and phrases one could imagine!
Thanks for the brainstorm!