Overall guidelines to keep you focused and "underwhelmed!"

  • Treat this training like school, or your job-- work regular hours-
    • Over taxing your brain with marathons day after day will get you nowhere and burn out fast--thus the clock!
    • If you have a day job: create a schedule for yourself, set aside a few hours a night, or set aside certain nights of the week, or weekend time.
    • If your days are free, set aside normal 9-5 kind of thing--with breaks!
  • Anything you read, read through first with no pens, or not notes.
    • Second time through take notes.
  • Vocabulary is the exception to that rule!
    • Comprehension cannot happen without learning the terms!
    • Use one section of the spiral notebook and devote it to jotting vocabulary terms down as you run into them.
    • If the definition is embedded in the text, or has a blue link, take the time to write the definition down.
    • If not, just jot the word down leave space for a definition.
    • If the definition has an unfamiliar word, trust me it will, people forget newbies do not know these terms, jot it down!
    • Before reading the second time through, go to Help> WApedia Definition Database. It is the WA resource for definitions!
  • Print Judiciously, but don't be afraid to print a long resource if it will help you!
    • In the spiral notebook, use another section to write the names of resources you THINK might be good.
    • Note the website address, the specific tutorial title, and authors name or the forum post, category, authors name and date
    • Once you have looked at a few resources, go back and choose the best one to keep close at hand.
  • Keep your brain, heart and soul fed
    • Take breaks!
    • Eat- treat yourself!
    • You will need the caffeine! or sugar...
    • Back ground music has been proven to improve concentration.
      • Keep it a level where you can just barely hear it.
      • Keep it no words, listening to words while reading different words send conflicting messages.
      • If reviewing or poking around, or creating something, words can be OK.
    • Do not overdo it, take time off, go outside, take a day or two away, read a mystery, clean the house--Trust me your soul needs fed this way!

go next page to start the details!

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Frank Wyatt Premium
Thanks it is a lot of info.
dollarz3 Premium
Thank you so much for taking the time to break down the process for the rest of us!!
lucky 2009 Premium
Thank you so much for taking the time to break down the process for the rest of us!!
motherone Premium
great ideas! I did almost this exact system...I have 4x6 note cards posted everywhere around my desk - they are all colored coded with specific information. I also have a white board with running totals of my campaigns and my 3, 6 & 12 month sales goals!
joelbhewlett Premium
great ideas! I did almost this exact system...I have 4x6 note cards posted everywhere around my desk - they are all colored coded with specific information. I also have a white board with running totals of my campaigns and my 3, 6 & 12 month sales goals!