With so many things to do within the Wealthy Affiliate platform, how do you find a healthy balance so you are not spending too much time in one area while another area is being heavily neglected or overlooked? Do you have a methodology for measuring your activity level?
- After a long duration of working on Wealthy Affiliate, have you ever at the end of the day asked yourself, "What did I accomplish really today?"
- Do you find that sometimes you spend too much time in LiveChat and reading blogs that at the end of the day you realize you did not complete any training or do any improvements on your website?
- Do you get frustrated with yourself when you realize you spend more time doing something that should have been better spent on something else?
If you find yourself asking these questions, this training could indeed help you, because I have asked myself all of the same questions.
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Thanks for this I quite often find myself caught up in answering blogs and time slips by quickly and I realise I have accomplished nothing on my site or training but have gone up in rankings lol. Happy medium needed.