Author Bennyfacter
Rank 9290

This video will show you how to get google to index your webpages instantaneously. It will also show you how to search for all the pages google has indexed for your site so that you can verify that your new pages are indexed.

This does not speed up the time it takes for your website data to be displayed in webmaster tools.

It does however, make your new content available to appear in searches straight away instead of waiting the normal 24 hours.

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Misspressy Premium
Thanks Benny for another techie lesson. God bless you.
Christabelle Premium
This was great! Thank you!:) Christa
SoupGypsy Premium
This was very helpful. Thank you Ben.
cjholloway Premium
Thanks for the video Benny stumbled across this myself the other day

Question for you >> I did this for a client after recent updates and it had a problem detecting "rich snippets" any idea how to change this easily ?

I know there are a few plugins that take schema into account but have had no experience with them anything you recommend ?

My Best >> Chris
Bennyfacter Premium
Unfortunately I don't know the answer to that one, I'm sure someone here will though if you post it as a question.
tmmom Premium
Thanks, good tip, I've been doing this every time I finish a new post!